Carl Jung’s “The Black Books 1913–1932” finally being published this October 2020

Allen Hurff
3 min readAug 11, 2020

FINALLY, Carl Jung’s “The Black Books 1913–1932” will be published this October 2020. I would almost venture to say, Carl Jung is beyond my intellectual comprehension. I would even go further and suggest is rivals the knowledge Thoth (aka Hermes Trismegistus) and the caduceus (i.e. As Above So Below) explained about the unknown unknowns of the ancient eras between the 5th great extinction (66 millions years ago) and the present day.

In 2009, “The text of The Red Book draws on material from The Black Books between 1913 and 1916. Approximately fifty percent of the text of The Red Book derives directly from The Black Books, with very light editing and reworking.”



Allen Hurff

Master Craftsmen & Entrepreneur. Focus; IoT, Blockchains, Cobots + GKE RaaS +TensorFlow. Born to manifest my Roycroft. Calling all Digital Artesians.