Angular: Animate with *ngIf/*ngFor

Better display with most-used Angular *ngIf/*ngFor

Allen Kim


Photo by noor Younis on Unsplash

The best way to have animation is to use CSS.

However there are also limitations with CSS animation especially;

  • When you hide an element using display:none
  • When you destroy an element using *ngIf and *ngFor

To overcome limitations of ideal CSS animation, Angular provide its own animation without using any 3rd party library,

Using Angular animation, it’s possible to have your own animation for the most-used structural directives such as *ngIf and *ngFor .

Here are the steps to make it.

Step 1: Import BrowserAnimationsModule to app.module.ts
Step 2: Create a application-wide sharable animation called app.animation.ts
Step 3: Import and define animation to app.component.ts
Step 4: Apply the animation to app.component.html

Step 1. Import BrowserAnimationsModule to app.module.ts

