Bernie or Bust — OR BUST (PPS: Bernie needs a majority, not a plurality, heading into Milwaukee)

Allen Kit Howell
8 min readJan 13, 2020

One of the chief challenges faced by the Bernie or Bust Movement is similar to the challenge faced by the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) crowd. Even though the concept of Bernie or Bust seems simple on its face, the devil is in the details. Most people seem unable/unwilling to fully digest and understand all of the details.

The Bernie or Bust Movement has focused on leveraging the preferences of two main types of U.S. voters who, regardless of their party affiliation, might vote for a Democratic candidate in presidential primary elections and who are stubborn/desperate enough not to vote for a corporatist Democrat in presidential general elections (the first type is a subset of the second type):

(1) white (mostly) voters in the rust belt (and these voters are, admittedly, somewhat racist/sexist and typically not college-educated) whose opinions matter because the electoral college system allows them to have more influence than coastal elitists want them to have and

(2) disenfranchised working class voters of all races/classes who see both U.S. political parties as oligarchic/corrupt and prioritize economic justice for themselves and for others — and who are not afraid to use solidarity to achieve their goals.

