Snarling Condescending Elitism vs Grubby Populism: Bernie or Bust is clearly in the latter camp

Allen Kit Howell
7 min readJan 11, 2020
Allen Howell — Bernie or Bust Television

I typically don’t wear a suit and tie when I narrate the Bernie or Bust Show on the Bernie or Bust Television YouTube Channel or the Revolution or Bust podcast (not that anyone would see it, there). Even though I’m an academic by trade, I don’t identify with the bourgeoisie. I will always be anti-oligarchy and pro-democracy. I will always be a champion of grubby populism. If people need to see me in a suit and tie to take me seriously, then they are those against whom I fight.

One of my most frequent topics for articles, videos, and podcasts is some form of “Snarling Condescending Elitism vs Grubby Populism.” My observation — over both of the most recent election cycles — is that those who protest against the Bernie or Bust movement have clearly chosen to identify with the “competent” “professional” “civil” people possessing good references and résumés (a.k.a., wine-track voters) rather than with the typical working class people who have not distinguished themselves by choosing the right college, the right friends, and the right income bracket (among many other choices — these are just a few examples).

The ordinary women and men who do the real work in society (especially for employers such as Walmart, Amazon, or McDonalds) are the ones who most need an…

