Create your own spirituality

Allen Little
4 min readAug 2, 2023

Try creating your own perspective of God. We live in times where there are millions of people searching for their path to our creator. However, they are encumbered by rules, obligations, do’s and don’ts, the right ways, the only ways, reasons to fear, and many more perspectives that can make God hard to love or to understand.

I’m speaking to the individual that is craving God’s love deep in their hearts, and they’re pretending like they’ve found their way, but they still have this void in them surrounded by curiosity of the divine.

I’ve once coached a man like this. In our first session he told me; “I hired you because I know that you can help me understand God.” I responded back to him; “I appreciate the gesture, but I’m not here to help you understand God. I’m here to help you fall in love with God, and from there you’ll develop your own understanding.”

He was mind boggled, and our sessions began. The first key to falling in love with God is knowing that there is room for your perspective and understanding. You develop your understanding through a path of feeling, intuition, and surrendered love and trust. You will not find God through a path of your mind. God is through a path of your heart. It’s kind of like finding your romantic partner. You may read books, hear lessons from others, and watch movies that’ll help you understand what you want. However, you’ll marry your spouse because you feel it in your heart. And if anyone does present you with reasons not to or try to invalidate your marriage, you’ll continue to love with your heart especially if you feel like your spouse is the one for you. You’ll be willing to stand firm or even fight for your love if someone trespasses upon you.

This can be what it feels like to develop your own perspective of God, and stand in it boldly before the world. If the world try’s to invalidate you, belittle you, or simply write you off. You don’t care, because you’ve found your path. And you’ve found inner peace. Seeking the approval of others costed you so much of your peace. Now that you have your own inner approval, approved of by God itself, the world’s noise outside of you stops. Things become very still internally.

You can say out loud, “I am the life and the way, follow me.” And you’ll notice that others will follow. Because through your example, they are discovering that they are also the life and the way.

I was once having a deep conversation with a group of brothers. One of them mentioned that Jesus was the single most influential being that has walked our earth. My initial reaction was agreement and I nodded my head. Then the voice within told me that Jesus may have been one of the most influential in your recorded history, however, there are beings that have walked your earth that weren’t recorded in your history. That has made as grand, or even from some perspectives a grandeur impact on humanity. I told them my insight. It makes sense now, but our recorded history isn’t all there is.

It isn’t a competition I guess. Everyone plays their role perfectly and creates the impact and ripples that they need to. In 2015 I asked God could I be christed. He responded yes, all of you can. And this is the way.

Develop your own spirituality. You’re free to use all others to help you find your path. Yours can be identical to others like Christianity, Buddhism, Tao, New age, you have so many to choose from and adopt. But let it be a path of you falling in love with God. And not a path of being obedient to the teachings and writings of others. You have the ultimate truth already within. And most of you can feel that.

I am here to set you free. Having a loving relationship with God can work wonders in your life especially when dealing with mental/emotional health. Welcome all paths as teachers of your path. Then stand firm in your path once you’ve discovered it and am comfortable with it.

Give us this day our daily bread. And let your bread feed a nation with its truth.

You need no intermediary with your truth of God. You need no religion, you need no spirituality, you need nobody else. You don’t even need me or need this post I’m writing. All of God’s truth already lives inside of you. It is your path to trust it, and act on it.

In the lords name we pray.

Your time of awakening, is now.


