The Concorde Timeline

From takeoff to wheels down

Allen Therisa
8 min readDec 24, 2023


Concorde on its maiden flight (REX/Shutterstock).
Concorde on its maiden flight (REX/Shutterstock)

1954: The SST concept is born

In the early 1950s, Arnold Hall, director of the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) asks Morien Morgan to form a committee to study the supersonic transport (SST) concept.

The group meet for the first time in February 1954 and deliver their first report in April 1955.

1956: Work begins

On 1 October 1956, the Ministry of Supply asks Morgan to form a new study group, the Supersonic Transport Aircraft Committee (STAC), to develop a practical SST design and find industry partners to build it.

At the first meeting, on 5 November 1956, the decision is made to fund the development of a testbed aircraft to examine the low-speed performance of the slender delta concept (a contract that eventually produces the Handley Page HP.115). This aircraft will go on to demonstrate safe control at speeds as low as 69 mph.

1960: Two almost becomes one

French company Sud Aviation Super-Caravelle and British company Bristol Siddeley come together on the Concorde project. It is later revealed that the original STAC report (marked “For UK Eyes Only”) had secretly been passed to the French…



Allen Therisa

British author, fascinated with culture, politics and history. I write about everything from current events to music, movies and YT videos that make me laugh.