Some Time in Minca

4 min readDec 16, 2017


Minca is a cute little Colombian town 15 kilometers away from Santa Marta, at an elevation of 650m in the Sierra Nevada. Peaking at 28 degrees in December, it offers a refreshing breeze after spending days on the Caribbean coast (peaking at 33 degrees in Santa Marta or Cartagena).

Map of the neighbourhood of Minca

Arriving at 5pm, the first thing to do was to find a place to sleep. I had heard about Casa Loma being cool, so I ask my way around. However, I had forgotten about the 300 steps to get there… and the sun is getting low.

Indeed, this place is cool. It even has sacred stones for the indigenous, and a shaman comes every once in a while.

Sacred stones

And between 17:30 and 17:40, a beautiful scenery awaits: the sunset. My favourite part of a day in Minca. And you’d have to spend the night to see it, since transports stop at 5pm.

In Casa Loma, food is vegetarian (it’s 18.000 COP per dinner, 8.500 COP for the eggy breakfast). That’s a welcome change after so much meat on the coast. And on top of that, no wifi!

I spent 6 days there, for one simple reason: the weather was perfect. A tad warm at noon so you want to go to the cascades, where the cold water refreshes the air.

In Pozo Azul, you can either stay at the touristic spot

Or walk 20 minutes more to be alone

You can sleep in a hammock for 20.000 COP and wake up to see your daily dose of green.

Working in the morning and in the end of the evening. You naturally wake up around 6am or 7am and sleep by 10pm, this is the type of place I’d like to spend longer in, to work. And of course, to be back everyday at 5:30pm, because why would you miss nature’s show?

Beautiful sunset, every single day

Welcome to Minca, we hope you’ll enjoy your stay

Minca map at the hostal

