137 Tips and Tricks for Brawlhalla Mobile. NEW GAME on Android and IOS! English Beginners’ Guide

Exclusive 247
24 min readAug 15, 2020


3 Reason I haven’t left LDOE

I’ve been covering Last Day on Earth for 3 years and for the last two years, one of the biggest questions I get on my channel is why haven’t I quit yet.

Some of you guys ask this because the grind has become astronomical and from an advanced players’ perspective, the game is mostly just pay-to-play. Others of you have asked because Kefir doesn’t sponsor their creators and some of you are more specifically bothered that kefir did not give me a custom backpack. And lastly, many of you ask this question because you can see from my videos that my heart is not into this game like it once was.

In my last video, one of you made of an intriguing comment along me “if you weren’t compensated in any way from it, would you walk away — can you post that opinion publicly?”

Answer to the second question is of course yes because I’m not compensated by Kefir in any way.

But the answer to the first question is a lot more complicated.

If I imagine back to before I was a YouTuber, I would say yes. I would have walked away a long time ago and honestly, I would have also had a bad view of Kefir making me very resistant to playing any Kefir games in the future.

I think this because I had a similar experience with clash of clans and supercell. Every time I was getting close to the top and was able to compete with other top players, they would come out with an update giving the advantage back to pay-to-win players. This put a bad taste in my mouth not only because it’s generally a crappy thing to do, but I spent $50 on the game to speed up my progress so that I could compete with the top players sooner. When I spent that original $50, supercell have not declared their intention to keep updating the game so that only extremely pay-to-win players could compete at the highest level. This bait-and-switch made me extremely distrustful supercell which is why it was so difficult for you guys to convince me to play brawl Stars. I recognize that brawl stars has a much better monetization system, but I still feel bothered that they tricked me which still makes me more critical of their game.

I believe that if I was not a YouTuber, I would feel the same way about Kefir and would be very resistant to try any new games from them. This is a big reason why I was so hard on them about creating fake competitions in Last day on Earth and beseeched them to consider the value of their reputation when making decisions in the future.

However, because I’m a YouTuber, there are a couple things that are different for me now. first, last day on Earth is the original game in this channel which will always have some nostalgic value to me.

Second, as a YouTuber, I am privy to more information about Kefir as a company which has led me to come up with some conspiracy theories that they actually have great plans for the future. Some of this is tidbits that I’ve gotten from talking to the developers and reading between the lines and some of the public announcements they’ve made about big plans for the future. Some of this is seeing how kefir runs their company which clearly values their employees’ emotional and relational well-being. But the biggest thing that I’ve been let into is that kefir gave me access to their once secret, now closed beta game Frostborn which has almost everything that I was wanting to see in Last Day on Earth including dynamic co-op challenges, complex PVP, and most importantly, everything in the game is attainable to a free-to-play player.

Frostborn has not only given me hope in kefir, but it is also giving me hope in Last Day on Earth because the point of a beta game is to learn what is and isn’t working. I think if you’re has listen to some really bad advice over the last 2 years on how they’ve developed last day on Earth, but I think that when Frostborn is released, many of those mistakes will become evident and they will hopefully change last day on Earth to fit what is most successful.

So that is the main reason that I have stayed with last day on Earth. Frostborn has given me enough hope to stick around.

That being said, another smaller reason that I was staying with last day on Earth was because I was told that I should stick with my original game until I hit 100k subscribers because then the algorithms change to make it easier to branch out to other games. I’m not 100% sure if that is true, but I am excited about starting to Branch out. I know many of you want me to cover some of the games that I have already covered like call of duty mobile, grim Soul survival, pubg, brawl Stars, etc and I’m up for doing a few of those, but what I’m really excited about is making some new videos about some new games.

Sadly, the games I’m most excited about including Frostborn, Wild Rift and Diablo Immortal are not out yet, so I’m up for hearing what games you guys would be most interested in me covering. Let me know in the comments.

Lastly, a lot of you are still freaking out about my last video. So let me explain that most of the videos that I unlisted are videos that no one is watching anyways. In fact in the over 250 videos I unlisted, only five of them were videos that I didn’t want to unlist, but I knew that they were confusing players. Furthermore, I am only going to delete the videos that I know you guys will never want to watch. I like random giveaways I did two years ago. the rest of the videos will stay unlisted so that new players will not see them, but you will still have access to them by watching the playlists on my channel. And then lastly, I will be downloading all of my old live streams so that the gameplay channel can make highlight videos out of them. So you guys have nothing to worry about. I’m not going to deprive you guys of anything good.

Tips and Tricks for Brawlhalla

Brawlhalla just got released on Android and iOS and it is worth hours and hours of fun. It has dynamic gameplay, epic customization, engaging PVP and it is truly free to play, but it is also pretty confusing for someone just starting off so today we have 137 tips and tricks for you

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When you first download brawlhalla, you will notice that you are not given the choice to change your name. This is because you are automatically assigned your registered nickname in Google or iOS. If you would like to change your name, simply change your nickname like this and it will automatically update in the game.

Brawlhalla is a two dimensional arena Battle game in which your objective is to knock your opponents off the map. There are over 80 legends each with their own pair of weapons and unique set of stats. As you level up these legends, you’ll get a chance to tweak these stats with stances.

Increasing your attack stat increases damage and how far they fly by roughly 5% with polynomial diminishing effects. Increasing your defense stat reduces the damage you take and how far you flying by roughly 1%, but defense has polynomial increasing effects. So while it is very important to have at least an attack of 3 regardless of your legend, the higher the stats you are working with, the more important defense becomes. Now some might argue that if you are good, you will get hit less than you hit others, but I would respond that since brawlhalla will match you with your skill level, it is statistically impossible for everyone that is good to hit others more than they get hit.

Dexterity decreases your attack animation time by a diminishing 5% and speed increases how fast you move by a diminishing 4%. Do not underestimate these two stats! These stats are often the tiebreaker between two people with the same skill level and same reflexes as they often determine who hits the other one first.

Some people choose bright colors so that they don’t lose themselves on the screen, but it is much easier just to go into settings and to select the option that puts your name or an arrow above your head.

While we’re talking about settings, I recommend using the default camera mode and collapsing crossovers means that it will hide legends that are imported from other Ubisoft games. Clicking on edit controls and then adjust controls allows you to have complete customization. I recommend testing out different d-pad settings right away and then once you become pretty familiar with your setup, I recommend reducing the transparency of your buttons.

As you play through a game, it might look like there are four stages of health represented by the colors white, yellow, orange & red, but not only is there a 5th color of brown, but if you watch closely, you will notice that there are actually up to 5 different shades of each color due to the fact that each character has 300 hit points. But unlike other games, hitting 0 hit points does not kill you, but rather the lower your hitpoints get, the further you will fly when someone hits you. After taking 50 hit points of damage, your health bar will turn yellow and you will fly 180% further, after a 100 hitpoints of damage, your health bar will turn orange and you will fly 320% further, after 150 hit points of damage, your health bar will turn red and you will fly 500% further. After that, your health bar will gradually darken to brown and the distance multiplier will increase to 840% at 200 damage taken, 1320 percent at 250 damage taken and then finally when you hit zero hit points at 300 damage taken, the multiplier will reach infinitum.

This is of course extremely rare in a real match because most attacks have at least some knock-back and it is fairly easy to finish off an enemy by the time their health hits red. That being said, it is still helpful to see these numbers because it reveals that it is futile to use finishing moves on enemies with white health bars and similarly pointless to use attacks without knock-back on enemies that have already received a lot of damage. So a huge part of this game is managing your own health while watching the health bars of your enemies to know when and who to attack.

Players get three normal jumps and 1 attack jump. The original three normal jumps can also be replaced with attack jumps. If you walk off or get knocked off the platform, this counts as one of your jumps leaving you only two normal jumps and an attack jump to recover. However after making those jumps, you can also use your dodge button to dash which can often allow you to hit a wall which will reset your available jumps.

There are currently 13 types of weapons in the game. Each skill of each weapon has its own attack and knockback values. Some skills are so powerful that they can even finish off another legend when their health is between yellow and Orange, but as a general rule the higher the damage and knockback, the slower the attack is, making it harder to land that attack. If you would like to know more about the strengths and weaknesses of the 13 types of weapons in Brawlhalla, I plan to make a video like that in the near future.

Learning the different combinations of the legend you are using is crucial to succeeding at this game. Every legend has two weapons and each weapon has 4 light attacks, a light attack combo and 3 heavy attacks. Furthermore, some weapons have additional combos if you meet certain conditions like hitting your opponent while you are both in the air. Knowing that all these combinations exist will help you, but it can be difficult to learn them during a match so I recommend choosing the tutorial option every time you start playing with the new legend so that you can spend about 2 minutes exploring what each combination does.

To switch between the two different types of weapons, simply throw your weapon using this button and then pick up another sword to equip your other weapon. Which by the way, you do not have to wait until the sword hits the ground to pick it up as you can jump up and grab it as it is falling. You can also do this with bombs which are a great way to finish someone off with a ranged attack and with mines which can often be a great way to steal someone else’s kill.

I also recommend playing with the same legend at least 10 times in a row before switching to a different one because every time you switch, your brain will focus on the differences between the two legends rather than focusing on the mechanics of game. Getting good at the game requires your brain to truly understand the game mechanics so focusing on one legend over and over again will help speed up this process.

As you play online games, you will earn gold which will allow you to buy more legends to play with. Unlocking all of the Legends as a free-to-play player will take a very long time

So that is a basic overview of the game, but in addition to these 126 tips and tricks, we have 11 more for you.

  • There are currently no friends in brawlhalla mobile so playing with your friends requires inputting the custom game code. Likewise, if you would like to play 2 v 2 with a friend, one of you needs to input the room code to join.
  • brawlhalla is completely free to play but you can speed up the process of unlocking characters through making purchases and like many games, the battle pass is the best deal for your money.
  • The down power hit signature usually has some kind of crowd control or grapple or something disruptive
  • Moving towards an enemy and using the power hit is usually your strongest finisher.
  • While hitting the side of the wall will reset your jumping, doing this over and over again will have a diminishing effect so you cannot stay on a wall forever.
  • I will cover more about other weapons in that other video, but as a general rule it is best to be in the air if you have a spear, Lance or gauntlets and on ground with a sword, axe or hammer.
  • For new players, jump as much as you can. As you get good, you will be able to use the evade button well, but in the meantime jumping is going to be your best dodge.
  • If you see an enemy using the same attack or strategy over and over again, there is always a way to counter it. You might have to switch to a different weapon, but there is always a way to counter it.
  • Lastly, watching gameplay videos of pro players and copying them is one of the best ways to improve quickly. For example, you could watch my husband Fuerza.

-impromptu addition

Well, that’s it guys. Hope that helps. Overall, this is an awesome game and I hope you guys enjoy playing it. Alright guys see you next time.

Bad, Good, Great parents

I grew up in the country and was not exposed to video games for the first 10 years of my life. Then around the age of 11, I played my first video game called civilization 2 and I was immediately obsessed with the game. I’m not sure if I was attracted to the thrill of the challenge, the stimulation of developing strategies or just the lack of boredom in my life, but video games were instantly my first choice of pass-time and my parents hated that. I think they immediately regretted allowing video games to be part of my life and the decision they made at that moment scarred me for years and I’m still healing from it, but sadly, it was the same decision that most parents make.

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If you are a parent and you have no concerns about video games. If you have no worries at all about the effects they might have on your kid, you are a bad parent in this area of life. I don’t mean that condescendingly. If we are honest with ourselves, we are all bad parents in some aspects of life, but what makes us successful parents in the long run is how quickly we identify those areas we are weak in and how quickly we work to improve on them. I made this video partially to help you guys. However, I also made this video for those of you parents on the other side of the spectrum because most of them time parents that are concerned about video games make decisions that are incredibly destructive for their children and end up producing results opposite to what they are wanting.

Whether we like it or not, video games have taken over. Last year there was approximately 2.6 billion gamers in the world and with the current pandemic, that number has now likely increased to over 3 billion gamers. This number is even higher with the younger generation who on average play over 10,000 hours of video games by the time they hit 18 years old.

To put this in perspective, it generally takes around 380 hours to become trained in a skill profession, 480–720 hours to learn a language, an undergraduate at tier 1 University generally takes about 1900 classroom hours and an additional 2–6000 hours of studying and getting a master’s degree generally takes an additional 2–3000 hours.

Now I am not saying that if we did not play video games, we’d have a bunch of 18 year olds running around with their masters in at major universities, but what I am saying is that video games consume a ridiculous amount of our time so we need figure out how to do video games in a healthy way.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about video games. When video games first became popular, a lot of parents were worried that violent video games would make their children more violent. This was a common belief, but after 10s of 1000s of dollars gone into researching this, we have found 0 correlation between violent video games and real violence. In fact, counter-intuitively, a lot of research is starting to imply that video games have been a big factor in decreasing crime rates, drug use, and unwanted teen pregnancies keeping our teens at home satisfied playing video games rather than bored and looking for trouble.

Now this does not necessarily mean that we should encourage violent games especially ones that are considered obscene because there are probably negative effects that studies have not yet supported, but it does mean that our initial intuitive response was in fact incorrect and that video games as a whole have actually had an opposite effect on violence.

Another concern held by parents is that video games are contributing to the skyrocketing levels of depression and anxiety in our current world. This is a logical concerned because this increase in depression anxiety is connected with more developed countries which is also where more video games are being played, but in a groundbreaking research project done last year by Jama Pediatrics on the effects of four different types of screen time, they found that while social media and surfing the web are huge contributors to the increase in depression, that video games and TV are not. You will see here that not only is Social media five times more likely to be correlated with depression, but that increasing social media time correlates to 20 times as much depression as increasing time spent playing video games. That being said, the study did show that video games do contribute to a lower self-esteem, again not nearly as much as social media, but it is enough to note that it has an effect.

Other parent’s have been concerned about video games affecting the sleep of their children since video games are so stimulating. This is another great and logical concern, but so far the research has seen minimal to no effect of videogames on sleep. Even in the most extreme example of playing video games right up until the moment someone tries to go to sleep, it has little effect with some of the stats even improving when playing video games right before bed.

Lastly, some parents blame video games in the increased cases of the failure to launch or peter pan syndrome phenomenon where upon arriving to adulthood, people simply have no interest in taking on the responsibilities of an adult and live without jobs and no interest in finding one. This phenomenon is almost exclusively related to males and in the last decade, the cases of this phenomenon has increased by 25% to where now over 7 million american men have neither jobs nor an interest in finding one. Unfortunately, not nearly as much conclusive evidence has been found in the research of the subject and the hypotheses of why this phenomenon is growing are numerous.

But I have something much more important to communicate to you guys than statistics about video games. If we go back to my story about my parents, at that moment that my parents regretted their decision to introduce video games into my life they chose the same decision that most parents choose and that decision would scar me for years just like millions of other kids have been scarred in the same way even though many of them don’t even realize it.

You see, when my parents’ realized they didn’t like videos games, they didn’t choose to take video games out of the house. They still allowed me to play them. They put limits on them, they warned me against addiction, they punished me for breaking their rules and everything else that a good parent should do, but just like many things in life, only instructing someone on what not to do can be incredibly destructive because it can often distract us from what we should be doing.

All of the rules that my parents set up were great in theory and I still use many of them now, but at the time, it subtly and subconsciously communicated that video games were bad. They didn’t say they were bad and they kept letting me play them, but those rules intrinsically lead to punishing me when I played too many video games and praising me when I refrain from playing video games which subtly and subconsciously communicated that video games were bad. So not only were their rules distracting me from what I should be doing with video games, but they were also subtly telling me that I shouldn’t even try to pursue healthy video game habits because video gaming was inherently bad.

I, of course, could not have voiced all of that when I was a kid, but I have learned a lot in the last 23 years of gaming. When I first got to college and was finally free and on my own, my parents limitations immediately went out the window and I played so many video games that I eventually started doing bad in school and ended my first semester with a 2.4 GPA. In many ways this semester was good for me because for the first time in my life I experienced the negative repercussions of giving into video game addiction. My parents rules had protected me from these consequences so I never got to experience those negative repercussions, but it was still mostly bad.

Then in my second semester, I experienced a pretty radical transformation when joining a church group and at first, I pretty much sweared off video games. I was enjoying being healthy and having healthy friendships and because of my upbringing, I viewed video games as inherently bad.

But after a little while, some of my friends from this church group invited me to play video games with them and these people had a much healthier view of video games. By playing with them, I got to see how video games have some of the most incredible potential for bolstering community bringing people together in ways that can often exceed even sports. I got to see healthy competition with people that wanted to play their best while genuinely wanting me to play my best as well and even rejoicing with me in my victories.

I learned so much from that group of people about the beautiful potential of video games and how viewing them correctly could actually bring health into my life. They didn’t teach me everything I needed to be healthy, but they started something that I’m still working on and for the last 10+ years, I have been getting healthier and healthier in the area of video games slowly healing many of those scars and bad habits that I gained as a child.

I started this YouTube channel 3 years ago as an extension of my video game hobby and ironically YouTube is not only a more difficult game to play, but it is also more difficult to do healthy because of the social media aspects of the platform. But I’ll talk about that in another video. Currently I have three kids, an 8 year old, 6 year old and a 4 year old and I have already been putting a lot of thought and effort into how to slowly and healthily introduce my three kids into video games in a way that will create healthy habits. I’m still very early in the process and make mistakes often, but this is what I’ve learned so far.

Step 1. I tried to keep my kids from playing any of video games for as long as I could. I knew that once I introduced them to video games, it would be a central focus to what they wanted to do so I wanted them to first have several years of learning how to have fun outside or with real toys. Sadly, in our current world, it is not possible to go as long as my parents were able to go for me. Sometime around last year, my 7 year old son told me that one of his friends showed him how to play a game on his friends iPad. This is when I called an audible and decided that it was time to introduce my kids to video games. This is because I don’t want my kids to learn how to play video games from some other 7 year old as I am skeptical that that seven-year-old will have the health of my children has his main focus. Rather, as their parent I am most likely to balance the fun that I’m having with my interest in them learning how to play video games with healthy habits.

Step 2. When you are ready to introduce your kids to video games, I have made it to where the only time they could play video games is if they played with me or my wife. There are two reasons for this. The first is so that my kids have an outlet. Telling my kid that he can’t play video games with his friend, but having no alternative will at best start the scarring them that videogames are bad and will at worst start a trend of disobedience and hiding gaming from you. But if videogames are implemented into family time, not only is there an outlet, but a new source of discipline if your kids decide to play video games with their friends. This of course does not work when your kids are older, but at a young age, it is most likely that your kids would rather play video games with you then they would to playing them illegally with their friends. But the second and most important reason is that it allows you to teach your kids how to play games healthily.

Now some of you parents might be thinking that this video is not for you because you are not a gamer like I am. This is not true. My wife did not consider herself a gamer, but by engaging with the kids in gaming, she has found something beautiful and healthy in it. Regardless of whether or not you are a gamer or if you have never touched a video game in your life, just by being older, you will still be able to teach your kids how to play video games in a healthy way. In fact, if you’ve never played a video game it might actually help you start with healthier habits because you never formed bad ones. As long as you are intentional about trying to create healthy gaming habits, it will be more natural than you realize. For example, one thing you will notice almost immediately is that video games give you a strong sense of accomplishment often superseding the sense of accomplishment that you get from real life. But yet as an adult, you know that you still have to make money to provide for your family or get things done around the house so that your life does not fall apart. When that happens, your kids will see you choosing to give up fun because the other things you need to do are more important. In fact, they will feel some of your pain because if you follow the step they will also have to stop playing so that you can accomplish that thing. Surprisingly, my kids have even offered to help me with some of my responsibilities around the house so that I can get them done faster which will allow them to play more. Often they can’t help me with what I need to do, but when this happens, I praise them for this attitude and explain to them that that is often how life works. That by problem-solving on what needs to get done, it allows for more room in our life for the things that we want to do. And that when they get older, there will be more and more things that I need to get done that they can help me with. I’m still too early in this process to prescribe this as a remedy, but my hope is that that very lesson will counteract the aforementioned problem of the increasing cases of the Failure to Launch syndrome.

Step 3. The first trick to developing healthy habits is picking the right game. The absolute best game for a family and my first recommendation is playing Minecraft together. Minecraft is the ultimate family game because it allows everyone to go at their own pace while still interacting with each other. One family member can mine resources while another works on the house while yet another explores. All of these interactions affect each other which creates quite the bonding experience. And then after you guys have played for a while and know what you are doing, there are some really fun challenges that you can take on as a family which will create some pretty amazing bonding experiences. That being said, Minecraft is especially nice for my family because we are able to play split screen on an Xbox and because the Xbox has been our preferred family platform, many of the other games we have used are also for the Xbox. So I did a little bit of research and here are some great family games for other platforms. This channel is an informative channel so if this video does well, I will do the research to give more in depth information on what games would be best for families on each platform in a playlist here.

Step 4. The next thing that I’ve been doing is trying to verbalize to my kids the good things about video games. This may seem cheesy and if your kids are older, you may want to change this into a discussion instead of just talking to them, but it is incredibly important that your kids hear what good things that they should be striving for in video games rather than just hearing what not to do with video games. Here are some of the things that I have communicated to my kids:

  1. I tried to convey to them how much work has been put in the each video game they play. I might give an example of how a planned activity is often more fun than a non planned activity because of the preparation that that person put into planning it and then I explain that each game represents thousands of human hours preparing that experience for us. This not only encourages them to be thankful for the thousands of hours dedicated into making that time fun for them, but it also gives a perspective on how much work it takes to have that much fun.
  2. Sometimes I get my family to take deep breaths during loading screens or take water breaks. Anything that might slow down the process and then I point out that by slowing down while gaming, it can actually help us appreciate and enjoy gaming more while not losing track of the time as often.
  3. Lastly, I try to periodically stop early so that we have time to talk about what we did. This is something that I learned from my college group. After the end of each game, we would take the time to tell stories and celebrate the crazy things that happened during that time. Sadly, I have not always been faithful to do this, but every time that I do, I see my kids’ faces light up as they tell stories about what they experienced or what they were thinking at that time or how they were being smarter than they normally are or whatever they want to share. I am always surprised that all of my kids, even the shy ones, have something to share because the experience was so meaningful to them. This not only gives me a chance to listen to something that is important to them, but it also lets me see more of their personality which is incredibly rewarding as a parent. Video games have helped create incredibly bonding common experiences with my kids. It is a valuable tool that most parents are not utilizing.

So in conclusion, it is good and right to be concerned about video games. They are a big part of life and they are only getting bigger, but do not make the mistake that most parents make by instructing your kids only in what not to do with video games and not envisioning them with what they should be doing. Rather, engage with your kids in this process by choosing when they should be experiencing video games, who they should be experiencing video games with, what games they should be playing and what kind of mindset they should have while playing them. For some of you this will be easier than others, but I would argue it is part of your job as a parent to show your kids how to play videogames in a healthy way. It is a huge part of life and it is only getting bigger so it is worth it. And you might just find that by engaging in this, it will bond your family in a way you have been missing out on.

Alright guys. I’ll see you next time.

Tips and Tricks Eve Echoes

Force your way into closed areas, avoid jita

Mk? Requires that level to use

