How to create creativity! 5 ways to boost creativity

All Good Tales
2 min readFeb 26, 2018


Creativity is key.

Regardless of which industry you work in, having the creative know how to adapt to any situation or come up with a creative solution to a problem is an extremely valuable tool to have. Not only can it make your work life easier, but employers will have no choice but view you with a favourable eye. You are now an asset to your company. You’re the creative genius who helped solve that troublesome issue we had last week!

For some, that creative flair just comes naturally. For others, all they need is a push in the right direction. Yes, creativity is a skill that can be learned, all you need is a good starting point.

We here at All Good Tales believe that great storytelling can lead to better business. So take note of some of our top tips on how to boost your creative capabilities while at work.

Find your ‘creative time’ of the day

Do you feel more creative in the mornings? After work? Or maybe it’s at 3AM when you can’t sleep?

By identifying the times in which you feel the most creative, you can plan the tasks in which you need that particular aspect for that time slot. Take yourself away from your desk during that time and get into your creative zone wherever that is. Go for a walk or maybe visit somewhere new. You can get plenty of inspiration from new environments.



All Good Tales

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