We Live in a Video Game?! Simulation Theory 101 For Dummies

3 min readJan 13, 2024
Photo by Diane Picchiottino on Unsplash

Imagine if everything you’ve ever experienced is not real but just part of a super-advanced computer simulation.

Trippy, right? Well, that’s what we’re talking about today, folks — Simulation Theory. Let’s dive right in, shall we?

What is Simulation Theory?

So, Simulation Theory proposes that our existence is basically an elaborate simulation cooked up by some tech-savvy extraterrestrial civilization — think of it as being part of the greatest GTA game ever designed — but unfortunately, without the cheat codes (How cool would that be though — just spam R1, R2, L1, X, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP and voila, you’ve got yourself a million dollars and superpowers).

The Matrix Connection

If you’ve watched “The Matrix,” congratulations — you’re basically a Simulation Theory veteran. If you haven’t (which should be a crime), the movie is about humans living in a simulated reality created by machines. Our simulation theory just cranks up the scale — reality playing hide-and-seek, and reality is winning every time.

How Does It Work?

Now, picture this: a bunch of super-smart beings with computers so powerful they could probably run the universe on Windows 95 (because why not go retro?). These computer whizzes create a simulation so real that the inhabitants (AKA you, me, your grandma, her dog, everyone you’ve ever known, everyone you don’t know, and pretty much everyone that ever existed) wouldn’t even realize we’re in it. Every high-five, awkward kiss, and mid-life crisis could just be lines of code in an ultra-JavaScipt file.

The burning question — evidence?

“But wait, is there any proof?” you might ask. Well, that’s where it gets tricky because, as of now, there’s no concrete evidence confirming Simulation Theory. But… there’s isn’t any evidence debunking the theory either. So who knows?

Some have claimed there’s anecdotal evidence: Ever had déjà vu? That’s just a glitch in the matrix, my friend. Even cosmic beings have their bad days as software developers, apparently.

The Simulation Hypothesis

The Simulation Hypothesis, courtesy of Nick Bostrom, suggests that if a civilization can create realistic simulations, chances are we’re living in one. Suddenly, the 2000s weren’t just the era of the Myspace, peak Cartoon Network, and a young Megan Fox; it was the golden age of simulated realities too.

Why Does It Matter?

Even if Simulation Theory is the brainchild of someone with too much time on their hands, it encourages us to question the very fabric of our reality. It challenges us to peek behind the curtain and consider the possibility of a higher level of existence. I like to think of it as putting on glasses that make you see the universe in 3D — suddenly, everything looks a lot weirder and more interesting.

Simulation Theory might sound like science fiction, but it’s exciting (and maybe a little scary) to think about. Are we all just pawns in a some kind of video game, or is this reality as real as it gets? Would it even matter if we knew? Personally, I’d still continue to live my life, screaming during basketball games, singing Adele songs in the shower, and writing articles and books. At the end of the day, we may never know for sure, but hey, at least it gave us some decent Dr. Strange movies.

Keep living your life, fellow simulated beings! And hey, if we’re all in a simulation, it wouldn’t hurt to give me a follow, right? I promise, my Sim character is pretty entertaining.




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