Your Reality Will Never Be The Same! The Apple Vision Pro For Dummies

3 min readFeb 3, 2024
Photo by James Yarema on Unsplash

With Apple recently dropping the Apple Vision Pro, I was like, “Whoa! Why’s everyone losing their marbles over some fancy goggles?” (and yes, I actually said that). Turns out, these aren’t your granny’s reading glasses; they’re the next generation of tech — and they use this really cool thing called spatial computing, which is what we’re talking about today. Strap in, folks, because I’m about to blow your mind.

What is Spacial Computing?

According to the boring old dictionary, it’s the use of technology to understand and interact with space. I, being the lovable goofball I am, prefer to think of it as if tech and reality had a wild night out and woke up married. No, really! Here’s the deal: unlike regular computing, where you’re stuck behind screens and keyboards, spacial computing thrusts you into a 3D adventure where your dreams meet reality. At its core, it’s basically a blend of bits and atoms to give you an experience that’ll make your 2K XBOX games feel like watching paint dry.

Virtual Reality: Stepping into Alternate Realities

One of the most captivating aspects of spacial computing is virtual reality (VR). With VR headsets, you’re not just a spectator; you’re the superstar of your own epic saga. Whether you’re bench-pressing a skyscraper, jetting off to distant galaxies, or dodging T-rexes, VR transports users to new dimensions of experience. VR isn’t just a game changer; it’s a reality bender, taking you places you never dreamed possible and making your wildest dreams a pixel-perfect reality.

Augmented Reality: Enhancing the Real World

Now, onto AR, the perfect spicy sauce to drizzle on your reality (let’s be honest, ketchup’s got nothing on this). Imagine seeing unicorns grazing in your backyard or stumbling upon the Mona Lisa while picking up milk at your local grocery store. The lenses of AR-enabled devices turn your everyday life into a digital playground where anything is possible, even finding Nemo in your fish tank.

Mixed Reality: Blurring the Boundaries

Ever wished you could live in a world where digital and physical collide? Welcome to mixed reality (MR), where anything is possible! It’s the lovechild of virtual and augmented reality, where digital and physical elements coexist and interact in real-time. In other words, your digital pals play alongside your physical pals, creating a reality so mixed up, it makes your head spin. Welcome to the Matrix, baby!

What Makes Spatial Computing Special? (pun intended)

In a sentence, spacial computing is proof that tech is taking over the world and that we’re slowly moving towards Ray Kurzweil’s idea of The Singularity.

“What’s the Singularity?” you ask. Well, Kurzweil, a futurist, engineer at Google, and author of the book, “The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology,” claims that technological advancement accelerates at an exponential rate and there will be a time (~2045) when AI will become intelligent. In other words, it’s a moment where technology goes kaboom, humanity goes zoom-zoom, and suddenly you and your toaster are reciting Shakespeare together. Sounds crazy, right? But here’s the thing: of his 140+ predictions since the 90s, Kurzweil boasts an 86% percent accuracy rate — that’s higher than the weatherman’s 80% forecast rate!

(If you’re interested, definitely check out his book — or mine, if you like comedy/satire)

As the Apple Vision Pro is further developed, more innovation floods the market and spacial computing boogies into the future, the sky’s the limit! With beefier hardware and smarter software, spacial computing isn’t just the future; it’s the future on steroids. Brace yourself for a world where your wildest dreams become reality, and reality becomes just another playground for your imagination.

Till then, treat your tech right and be well, future reality warpers. Till next time,




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