Best Poetry for Pakistan Independence Day

2 min readAug 6, 2023


Pakistanis mark the day they won their independence from British colonial control on Independence Day.

The importance and beauty of Urdu poetry written on Pakistan’s Independence Day will be explored in this article.

The poetry written in Urdu, Pakistan’s official language, is a powerful statement of national pride, patriotism, and unity because of this.

Celebration of Independence

Pakistanis feel great pride and happiness on Independence Day. Urdu poets have done an excellent job of capturing the joy of this day in rhyme, celebrating the predecessors’ sacrifices and the nation’s steadfast resolve.

Poet of the Nation (H1): Allama Iqbal

As the “Spiritual Father of Pakistan,” Allama Iqbal was instrumental in thinking of the concept of a sovereign Muslim nation.

His verse not only inspired a fight for independence, but also helped pave the path for the birth of Pakistan.

His poem “Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri” captures the hopes and dreams of every Pakistani for a more democratic and peaceful country.

Hope for a Brighter Tomorrow: Ahmed Faraz

The struggles and hopes of an evolving country are reflected in Ahmed Faraz’s poetry. His remarks capture the hardships faced and the will to create a better future for Pakistan.


There is a rich tapestry of feelings, hopes, and goals woven throughout the Urdu poetry written for Pakistan’s Independence Day.

Allama Iqbal’s revolutionary poetry sits beside Parveen Shakir’s heartfelt emotions in a rich literary tradition.

In the pursuit of growth, togetherness, and wealth, this poetry continues to inspire and unify Pakistanis.

