Design Your SEO Roadmap: How to Build an SEO Strategy as a Beginner

Allison Goodwin
9 min readFeb 12, 2019
Photo by oxana v on Unsplash

If you’re familiar with why you need to understand and utilize SEO on your website, you may be wondering just how to go about that task. Optimizing your website isn’t something that can effectively be done without at least a little bit of planning, though. Let’s take a closer look at what a solid SEO strategy should involve so you can get to work on maximizing your website’s reach — without fumbling around.

What is an SEO Strategy?

There’s a lot of talk about SEO strategy, and what it is and what it isn’t and it’s enough to make your head spin. Before you get sucked into countless articles debating the finer points of SEO strategy, let’s take a step back and remember just what strategy is.

According to Wikipedia, strategy is “a high level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty.” Working with that definition, an SEO strategy is a plan to achieve goals (like increasing ranking or unique visitors) under the uncertain conditions of what we’ve assumed search engines are looking for and what users will actually use. SEO is, by its nature, a mix of science and art.



Allison Goodwin

Freelance content marketer & attention-getter who specializes in boosting the visibility of non-profits. Let’s get to work at