Published inZORAHow I Am Dealing With Touch StarvationBig bear hugs aren’t quite safe, so here are other optionsJun 17, 20208Jun 17, 20208
The Corona Chronicles: Making the Perfect QuarantiniJust like everyone else in this great big world, I am practicing social distancing in my Atlanta home by myself. At the time that I wrote…Apr 6, 2020Apr 6, 2020
The Democratic Presidential Debate is Where? 6 Facts About Texas Southern UniversityAs you may or may not know, the next Democratic Presidential Debate is happening September 12th in Houston, Texas, but very few people…Sep 11, 2019Sep 11, 2019
Something I will never experience: White privilegeThe Cambridge English Dictionary defines “white privilege” as, the fact of people with white skin having advantages in society that other…Nov 27, 2018Nov 27, 2018