
Alice Acedia
2 min readJun 28, 2019
Photo by Loreen O’Donnell on Unsplash

I block you out, you shine through closed eyes. I turn a deaf ear, your screams vibrate our floor boards. I slap your groping hands, you force me to touch back. I beg to be left alone, to be freed. Your eyes remind me of times no longer accessible; lips mouth words I beg to forget the shape of.

Where is your laughter now? Swallowed by my silence, your sincerest secrets no longer of interest. You ruin new springs, new bolts, and pieces.

New paint, new place, new people.

I see the chips, the layered filth, so neatly tucked inside. Even a miracle, despite how painful, could not save us now.

Allow the hate to consume perfumed ash of yesterdays. Until it is no more, nothing more, than a distant memory, a birthing bed for fire-filled wings. Burn away the taint, let only innocence remain.

My mouth moves and I say with steel what I cannot say with pen.

Truly, I gave it my all. Truly, I gave you my all.

What fuel was I, to the ever-raging inferno, of your never-ending revenge?

Purple, so rare in nature, so beautiful to behold, so painful to obtain. I cannot hate what you are, only what you create. I will float to northern lands, to floral gardens, as far as major seas, seas you and I would never have seen, will let me. I won’t write, I won’t visit or phone home. In my mind, I’ll tell you stories, adventures ten-fold, of extravagance and humor only we could share together. She will give me sanctuary, something you repeatedly denied.

Perhaps, we are fate. Perhaps, we are meant to be.

But not today.

Not this way. Not here, in such tone, in such unfortunately highlighted views.

I cannot stand the purple, when all I crave is blue.



Alice Acedia

A dissociation between mind and body are always present; artistic pursuits give balm to the wounds.