
Bedtime Letters
2 min readMar 17, 2024


the ability to emotionally understand what other people feel.

I just got off the phone with someone I love.

And while listening to her speak, I was tempted to give my opinion. On a way I thought was better to look on life, regrets, ‘if only’s etc etc.

But I was reminded in my spirit – Empathy.

I’m not her. I have not lived her experiences. I cannot decide on her behalf, there’s a better way to see things.

See, I still believe that life is more than always focusing on our wants. Because part of the pursuit of life is – we’ll always want something.

But this knowledge doesn’t stop me from understanding that she and I are different. Our experiences, different. And sometimes, we know better, we’ll practice better. But over a call like the one we just ended, some other times we just want to be heard. She just wanted to be felt. It wasn’t time to share trillion dollar words. It wasn’t even time for me to talk. It was time to listen.

Empathy. Empathy. Empathy.

Friend, be empathetic to yourself this week, understand yourself, and give yourself room to be.

Afford others the same privilege too.

I write to you from a very calm place in my heart.

Love & Peace,

Veronica Allison Sackey.

My favourite piece yet.

Fun fact, I always write my favourite piece yet😂. So I have a new favourite each day!



Bedtime Letters

Dear friend, Here are a few of my recent learnings. Love, Smiles & Character, Veronica Allison Sackey.