Bedtime Letters
1 min readNov 19, 2023

Dear friend,

Few minutes to 3 am. Lol it’s at times like this we whisper😂.

I love you. What’s the use of feeling something this profound and not sharing?

I love you. And I’d love to talk with you about anything and everything. Today, I was reminded that I’m not in ultimate control😂.

A week ago, while projecting into the just ended week, and making plans, there were things I believed I’d get done. Things I was scared about, other things I didn’t even imagine could happen.

Yet here we are😅;

Those that happened, happened. Those that didn’t, didn’t and that’s that.

The Holy Spirit reminded me today to trust Him. He knows it all, and we’re on the same side. He reminded me to let go of my desire for ultimate control, and let Him. So I’m sharing this with you😌.

We don’t write the last fullstop. So, from time to time, be softer on yourself.

Gotta make church tomorrow 😅. Write back!

With love,

Veronica 💙.

I just wrote this piece. I think you’d love it! ‘Cos I absolutely do!

Bedtime Letters

Dear friend, Here are a few of my recent learnings. Love, Smiles & Character, Veronica Allison Sackey.