MVL-Mass Vehicle Ledger a way to handle our car data in the near future

World of Blockchain
2 min readMay 4, 2018


There is no doubt any longer, we are in the beginning of a massive shift when it comes to how we’re handling information and data in the near future. Don’t get me wrong, the term “near future” is very elastic but I use it here with full intent. Why? because those who are watching the technology side of our life are very aware of the impact on our future which will come from the blockchain technology. Many heard about it somewhere, but still most are not familiar with what it is and what could be achieved with it. I will try here to explain it in a very simple way, using one interesting project as an example.

MVL or Mass Vehicle Ledger Ecosystem is a blockchain-based ecosystem for all vehicle-related services. What is the meaning of all those words. Simply put everything about your car will be registered in the blockchain and in the blockchain the data will stay, because noone can change the data there afterwards.

  1. we have secure system where data is stored unchangable

Why would we be interested in such a data storage? All car related companies and there are many of them in our daily lifes, could be connected via blockchain and could use the SAME DATA about your car. And even with a change of ownership all data about this car would still be in the blockchain, usable for every repair station or reseller and even for the next possible owner. Full Transparency!

2. we have a system where fraud will be eliminated

Noone will be able to hide a car accident. No repair shop could exchange parts of your car without them being registered in the blockchain (if this would be implemented fraud on this level could be prevented too). And if a car would be stolen, it could be easily discovered by its unique data in the blockchain.

But MVL goes even further than that. They will include incentives where everyone gets rewarded for using their system. Everyone who participate will get points, which can then be used to trade in the ecosystem. You will even get rewarded for save driving, which reminds me of the “behavior system” which is already in a testing phase in some chinese cities.

So MVL creates an Ecosystem where all data is transparent & secure. Users can earn coins through all sorts of activity and purely by participating in the system. I hope trust can be accomplished on a big scale through their platform and all the hassle, which we are facing today, will vanish in the very near future.

For all those who are interested in their whole project check out their webside:

