An All-Inclusive DHA Licensing Guide for Doctors

Allocation Assist
4 min readMar 9, 2023


Health professionals who wish to work in the United Arab Emirates must clear a particular exam. And obtain a DHA licence for doctors from the relevant health apartment. Furthermore, when it comes to doctor recruitment in Dubai. Dubai Health Authority (DHA) is the regulating agency responsible when it comes to supervising Dubai’s healthcare system. Besides, DHA’s Health Regulation Department (HRD) is completely responsible for licensing health professionals with proven expertise. With the essential capabilities to keep in shape the quality of healthcare services; along with ensuring the safety of Dubai residents.

Healthcare Personnel Risk Their Lives for Their Patients

Furthermore, healthcare personnel are famous for putting their lives at risk when it comes to saving patient lives. Also, a lot of organisations like Allocation Assist that offer DHA licensing and job placement services in Dubai. Along with certification boards play a crucial role in helping medical practitioners in verifying their capabilities via appropriate training. And pursuing the necessary DHA exam coaching that makes the process much easier. In other words, the DHA test is the sole way to practise medicine (earn a DHA licence for doctors) in the Emirate of Dubai.

DHA Test Plays a Crucial Role

Further, to earn a DHA licence for doctors that lets you practise as a healthcare professional in Dubai. You must first clear the DHA test. And firms like Allocation Assist (with expertise in offering DHA licensing and job placement services in Dubai) can be of great help to you in better grasping this test, its importance and the exam structure shared below. Also, a candidate must first keep a track of the following guidelines. To spare himself any type of trouble namely the delay in the licence issuance course of action or any case of application rejection.

● Firstly, mention your name & spellings exactly as they appear on your identification paper (Passport).

● Secondly, JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)/Portable Document Format (PDF) format only is acceptable for uploading essential documents.

● Thirdly, as per the certifications, give a name to the relevant papers (scanned copies of passport, diploma, transcript, photograph, and experience letter).

● Further, if you are missing a crucial paper, then enclose a justification letter.

● Also, a logbook for surgeons must be set aside and introduced in the experience field.

● Besides, you get three attempts at most to meet the above requirements and post that your application is rejected.

Application Submission

Moving ahead, you can then save the application “as draught” by selecting the option on the application site at the bottom of the page. Following this, you will receive an automated reference number. Which will come in handy whenever you wish to check the progress of your application. Further, after the application submission is a success, you will receive a payment form. And to check for any input from DHA, pay a visit to the DHA portal at regular intervals. Also, adhering to the above guidelines will only make it easier for you to get a DHA licence for doctors without facing any unnecessary hurdles.

Examination Fees

● All the applicants i.e., health professionals must submit a fee of 210 AED (Emirati Dirham) as application fees.

● An acceptable payment instrument is a credit card (online route).

Primary Sources (PSV) Verification

Further, when the Health Regulation Department (HRD) at DHA has both analysed and cleared your application. Your educational documents undergo a thorough background check. Besides, this primary source verification enables the HRD to approach the authentic applicant. And post successful verification, the applicant receives an email requesting payment of PSV which is AED 1000 for doctors and dentists. While for other health professions, it begins from AED 700.

Now when the assessment is complete and you have cleared the exam. You receive an eligibility order online. Which you can access through your application account. Furthermore, you can use this letter to apply for an opening in Dubai’s healthcare organisations. Also, post-exam completion you must work for at least one year in a healthcare facility in Dubai. If you get a job offer, then upload the offer letter along with the practice insurance to their application portal. After which all that remains is you receiving a DHA licence.

Issuance of Licence

Further, within two days of document submission, the HRD at DHA will evaluate and check both these documents. After which, a request for paying the licensing fees will show up on the application portal in your profile section. And after two days of making the payment to HRD, the candidate (you) receives your DHA licence.

In all, with DHA Training on offer by Allocation Assist. You can easily get the essential education and expertise to clear the DHA test and hence fulfil your dream to work as a certified medical practitioner in Dubai. So, if you are looking for a DHA licence for doctors. Then take the DHA exam training successfully with Allocation Assist (experts in doctor recruitment in Dubai).

