Allplan Asia
4 min readMar 29, 2020


Nowadays, in the light of the challenging circumstances of Covid-19, Allplan Asia wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what we’re doing in response.

Allplan is a modern, digitally oriented company, which means that appointments and coordination processes can still be carried out.

If your teams are working in different locations you can move your project to the cloud using Allplan Share. This means users from different locations can work on the same project at the same time. You can move, copy, import and backup projects just by a few clicks.

working from home with Allplan Share

Allplan Share make “work from home” work for you

Working from home with direct access to the project data

If you want to work together on projects, you can use Allplan Share, Allplan’s cloud solution, to work with Allplan without a LAN connection to the central file storage folder.

Working from home without access to the office data (working locally):

Allplan with workgroup manager:
If workgroup manager is included in your license, you can check out a computer or laptop with projects from the workgroup environment. You can then work from home without access to the server. The projects on the computer or laptop that is checked out are locked for the CAD users on the network. These users see the comment you entered when you checked out the computer

Allplan without workgroup manager:
Using the office computer. If you have neither workgroup manager nor network access, you must uninstall Allplan and install it again by specifying the local paths. To work with a project, you must back it up and then import it to the local installation.

Using a new (private) computer. If you want to use a new computer to work from home, you must return the license at the office computer and then use this license to install Allplan on the new computer.

Edit projects at the same time

Allplan Share makes it possible for several users to simultaneously access a project, even if they are not part of the same local area network (LAN). Local networks can consequently be expanded to include individual work stations. The data transfer between the locations occurs via the Allplan Bimplus cloud. Allplan Share allows you to connect and link to several local and external work stations with each other. All participants access the same data state of the project in the process. This optimizes and supports flexible office structures.

Reliable data protection

The security of your data is our top priority. That is why we at Allplan Share place particular value on comprehensive protection. The data transmission is secured against unauthorized access by means of encryption.

Convenient use

Allplan Share controls the central organization of CAD and layout workstations and creates clear coordination benefits in planning and design offices. Work is made easy just as it would be on a normal single user workstation. In addition to the data and project availability in the Allplan Bimplus cloud, the central user and project management is a significant advantage.

Guaranteed data integrity

Within an Allplan version, it is ensured that all Allplan data is identical down to the last detail and no information gets lost. Allplan Share works with the original Allplan data to avoid loss of information.

Automatic synchronization

Select Allplan data is automatically transferred into the BIM coordination model of Allplan Bimplus and additionally can be processed further. The models in Allplan and in the BIM coordination model of Allplan Bimplus are also always synchronized.

Clearly regulated access rights

Roles and access rights are clearly regulated for all project participants through the central user and project administration of Allplan Bimplus. This ensures that only authorized users can manage, change or view projects.



Allplan Asia

Allplan is one of the leading BIM (Building information Modeling) Softwares tailored mainly to the needs of Engineers and Architects.