Making Art History: Art + Blockchain

2 min readOct 15, 2017

-- is adding blockchain technology to its website and mobile app platform in 2018.

ALL PUBLIC ART is impacting the art market by creating the perfect solution for trading art around the world in a safe and convenient way with blockchain technology.

We are proud to introduce the All Public Art token.

Counterfeit art and fraud in the art market is a tremendous problem, and now All Public Art will use the power of blockchain technology to improve the art market by creating a token that will validate the authenticity of artworks by tracking their data. All Public Art is a mobile app and website designed to connect artists and collectors who want to trade art and art related items.

Our platform was created so that street artists, muralists, and public artists who normally don’t get a chance to sell their artwork in art galleries, have a place to offer items and artwork to their fans. All Public Art’s platform also has a geolocation component that helps people to find all the artwork in their area so that they can visit the artwork and connect with the artists that created them. When you find an awesome work of art on the street, you can look on All Public Art to see if that artist has merchandise or prints available, and use All Public Art tokens to get them.

Since 2015, the All Public Art team has been working towards building a robust platform that is equipped to grow with the flourishing online art market. The All Public Art token has been created to contribute to the success of artists and the global art community.

Our new platform development will ensure that every artwork and every artist has a unique ID, allowing each transaction to be verified through Smart Contracts. Implementing this verification process will allow anyone to confirm the authenticity of the IDs, resulting in a safer and more secure marketplace. As the transactions are conducted, information about the artworks will also be gathered, such as the prices of how much an artwork has sold for over a period of time, which will help institutions and professionals to assess the true value of an artwork and help to minimize illegal price manipulation.

Through blockchain technology, All Public Art will be uniquely equipped to ensure that data is verifiable and transparent for everyone to see. This transparency will ultimately create a marketplace that contributes to the prosperity of artists and collectors everywhere.

All Public Art is excited to introduce the All Public Art token. We are ready to impact the lives of artists around the world and we are proud to empower the art community with this movement where Blockchain meets Art.

Join us on as we contribute to another chapter in art history.

#allpublicart #apatoken #artcommunity #art #weloveart

