A Statement of Solidarity for the Jewish Community and People of Israel

All Raise
All Raise
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2023

We stand in solidarity with the Jewish community, and the people of Israel, and condemn the horrific terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas.

This week, I’ve connected with friends, community members, and team members about the impact that this attack has had on their lives, their families, and their broader community. Over the past few days, the fallout has driven an explosion of anti-semitism around the world, including at home in the United States. Our community members and friends in the Jewish community are hurting and scared. My heart is shattered as they share one devastating story after another. We see you and we stand with you.

Violence against innocent civilians, particularly women, children, and babies, is never justifiable. We must speak out against the abuse, rape, and murder of hundreds of Israelis perpetrated by Hamas — a terrorist organization. These acts of barbarism are an affront to our collective humanity and must stop.

We condemn Hamas’s use of innocent Palestinians as human shields. They are trapped in this conflict, which will lead to the devastating loss of lives as the war continues to unfold.

As we have said before during urgent times of need, words have power but actions speak louder. We all have a role to play in taking a stand against anti-semitism wherever we see it. We have not seen the end of atrocities in this war, which is why community is more important than ever. Let us all stand strong together against hate, today and always.

Paige Hendrix Buckner

CEO of All Raise

We encourage you to take a stand by leveraging your influence across your networks:

  1. Learn: As difficult as it may be, it is important to read about the atrocious acts committed by Hamas and the ongoing global anti-semitism. Understand what is happening and why it’s important to speak up against terror, as you would for any group of innocent civilians being massacred by a terrorist organization.
  2. Connect: Contact Jewish, Israeli, and Palestinian friends and colleagues. Check in with them, and let them know that you stand in solidarity with them against terror and hate.
  3. Act: Speak up and share your condemnation of terror publicly with your communities.
    - Add yourself and your firm or company to the Tech Against Terror list or sign the Venture Capital Community Statement of Support for Israel.
    - Advocate for change by contacting your local officials encouraging them to denounce these acts of terrorism and ensure the safety of the U.S. Jewish community.
    - Consider signing the petition here to call for international pressure to release Israeli hostages, provide humanitarian aid and medical care until they are released, and enforce international humanitarian law
  4. Donate: Consider giving to organizations providing critical relief to victims of terror. There are many resources online.

