12 Best PS4 Games For Kids — Editors Picks

As an adult, it can be hard to know what’s best to buy your kids. Even as an adult gamer we eventually forget what kinds of things made us feel good when we played videogames as kids. This can make it extra challenging for parents, gamer or not, to figure out how to choose a game that their child will appreciate. After all, one thing we all remember is one-upmanship and boasting at school. Owning the coolest and most popular videogames in the age range definitely comes into that! Let’s make life a little easier and highlight the 10 best PS4 games for children, picked out by yours truly.

All Things PlayStation
6 min readSep 9, 2017

Rayman Legends

Originating from the charismatic mind of Michel Ancel, Rayman Legends stays true to the colourful and laugh out load tropes he has become known for. Taking a step away from 3D, Ancel has gone back to roots with Rayman Legends, pitting the player in a beautifully hand drawn and animated 2D side scroller. Things are kept interesting throughout with all kinds of gameplay modifiers and boss fights so quirky, you’ll not forget them in a hurry! Make no mistake, this is the 2D side scroller to prove to a modern gaming industry that there is still plenty of room for innovation in this space. Rayman Legends is colourfully vibrant, handles wonderfully, is musically unforgettable and even piles in all the levels of the previous game as unlockable content. You can’t go wrong with Ancel’s last masterpiece. To keep an eye on his next project, check out Wild.


Another title that goes shamelessly to the roots of gaming. While its visual aspect may seem primitive when compared to modern games, Minecraft has found success after success following its initial release on PC many years ago. Combining RPG elements with a strong focus on freedom to build anything you like, it has certainly proved addictive to build ’em up lovers. Since finding success in the console market, Minecraft has enjoyed several different titles to placate its many fans over the years. With a strong and distinctively friendly social following across all corners of the web, you can rest assured that if your child becomes a fan of this game, they’ll be in a safe space.

Oddworld: New ‘N Tasty

Definitely one for older kids around early teens. While there are undeniably violent moments to be found in Oddworld, this remake of the original Playstation’s classic will prove an unforgettable experience. As Abe, an unwilling hero of the Mudokon race, you’ll be tasked with freeing your people one by one from slavery. The poor fellow will be pitted against many puzzles and “run for your life” moments as he decides whether pulling a lever will save his friends or doom them. Not only is this aspect of gameplay tongue in cheek but the overall feel of the game is one of light humour. Violence, therefor is dampened massively by the hilarious way it is presented to you. Like Rayman, we have a side scrolling element but in a 3D world. This game is a great first attempt for young gamers who are starting to look for a more pensive experience.

Lego Dimesions

As we all know, Lego has gone from strength to strength since The Lego Movie reinvigorated the franchise massively a few years back. Thanks to that, there’s a strong chance your kids will be into it! In fact any Lego videogame is sure to be a winner with your kids. However, this one in particular has made the cut as it promotes a combining of all characters from all stories into one game. This also leaves plenty of room for future downloadable content as new movies come out. Kids don’t tend to focus too much on franchise loyalty. So when you have a game that sees Gandalf, Batman and Wildstyle jumping through a portal to the yellow brick road in Oz… You can see that there’s pretty much no way your kids won’t enjoy this.

Wayward Sky: A Look & Click VR Adventure

Wayward Sky will immediately strike you as something special as soon as you see the art style. Children’s style of bright colours from a 90’s weekend morning show have been combined with 3D in this VR puzzle game. As you muddle your way through a floating fortress in the sky, searching for your kidnapped father, many interactive puzzles await. Traditional style jigsaw puzzles, movement puzzles, and tactically dodging angry robots, Wayward Sky is more like the point and click puzzlers from back in the day. Another great title for early teens looking to flex the old brain muscles.

Journey, Abzu & Flower

These three games take the one position as they are all made by That Game Company. These developers are renowned for creating short, thoughtful and emotionally unforgettable experiences. Each of the three titles are essentially the same in how they play, but appear in very different skins. Having released only a few minimalist titles since the inception of That Game Company, these developers are obviously doing something right when each of their games generates a cult following every time. Essentially, what we have here is simple movement controls and very little interaction with game world. What makes these games so successful is how artistically they are presented to you. Expect beautiful colour schemes, second to none orchestral soundtracks and a thoroughly absorbing experience on first playthrough.

Ratchet & Clank

A magnificent game in the early 2000’s, Insomniac Game’s reboot of their much loved original Ratchet & Clank was brilliantly on point from start to finish. Those who played the original will find wonderfully nostalgic areas but the entire game is no copy and paste job. Those new to the franchise can enjoy a wonderful new treat in a franchise that will hopefully be reignited for years to come. As the ever optimistic and adorable Lombax, Ratchet, players must battle their way through sandbox levels with a growing inventory of whacky gadgets. A personal favourite is the Sheepinator, turning foes into harmless fluffy sheep. This game is basically an elongated interactive version of a top budget animated movie. Whether your kids have heard of Ratchet & Clank or not, this one is guaranteed to make them smile.

Rocket League

Rocket League — Are your kids into football? Maybe they’re into their cars? Rocket League combines these two hobbies into one to create a fun and addictive arcade experience. Using any vehicle you choose, each with different advantages and disadvantages, players must whiz around a giant football pitch… ramming a giant football. Jumps, angles and mid — air skill shots all come into play when scoring. Rocket League has amassed a huge fan following since its release and shows no sign losing popularity. For addictive, harmless arcade fun Rocket League is sure to dig its claws into anyone who plays it.

This post is from All Things Playstation News. For all things blog, VR and game reviews, head over to All Things Playstation

