How Gary Vaynerchuk Ruined My Life

All Things Snap
4 min readOct 25, 2014

Life was easy. I just cruised along at my own pace doing my own thing.

Sure, I did Facebook. I had downloded Instagram and used it a handful of times, but I wasn’t exactly a regular — mostly because the stupid app would always crash on my POS Android phone (I have sense returned to my first love, Apple). Heck, I even had a Twitter account…that I really didn’t understand.

None of that was important to me, and I didn’t understand why some people loved it so much.

Then, along comes Gary.

How it began

Some time ago, my step-brother called me over to show me some Youtube video that I just HAD to see. “This guy is crazy man! He’s going to change everything!

Once he hit the play button, I instantly looked around to make sure nobody else could hear the 4 letter words pouring out the small speakers on his phone.

Bad language doesn’t really bother me. I was born and raised in California to a very loud and sometimes crass family. Though they may not curse, my sisters certainly have no filter. I also lived in Italy for couple of years and Italians aren’t exactly known for being very PC or subliminal either. The swearing didn’t bother me, but I was not about to stir up trouble at work.

So I watched. Then I thought about what he was saying. Then I watched again.

That night, I went home and watched at least 3 more keynotes that Gary delivered.

“F#*%! Now I have to watch more!”

Ok, I didn’t actually say that. But I did watch more.

What it became

It’s safe to say that I have watched every single video of Gary on Youtube. Now that he has his #AskGaryVee show, that’s not helping any.

That’s cool. A lot of people get sucked into a show or a podcast. This isn’t anything extraordinary. We see this stuff all the time.

No. This is different. You see, Gary ruined my life.

I had it made! I was content in my ignorance of so many things. I was happy in my ignorance. Then he had to go a screw it all up.

I got on Facebook to be snarky to my friends, but never thought it was relevant to anything else in life.

Now, I’m neck deep in dark posts, I am intentional in posting to Instagram, I’m in love with Vine, I’ve Tweeted over 13k times (and look at my feed obsessively) and I’m writing this article/blog.

Why? Because I’ve drunk the kool-aide. I’m a believer. I see what social media really is: PEOPLE, and life is all about people and making connections. That’s what humans are all about.

I have met so many people (online and in real life) through Twitter that have literally shaped me and helped me continue to develop on a personal and professional level. I am a better person because of it.

No turning back

Seeing the passion and the results of someone with the ultimate hustle, I had to do something with it. I had to try all I could to execute. Honestly, that is an infinite journey, but there’s no turning back now.

“The reason I was able to grow my business was that every day, after producing 30 minutes of wine television, I spent 15 hours a day replying to every single person’s e-mail and every single person’s Twitter @ reply.”

I got slapped in the face with reality. I need to focused on why I do what I do… It’s about the people. It’s about enhancing lives and bringing value. Who better to take pointers from than a guy who does just that.

I now spend a large portion of the day stewing in my mind about how to GIVE more than I ASK. I obsess over how I can contribute to my community and get experience under my belt so that one day, I can be in a position to do something big, consistently.

In short… I’m actually living. I’m actually giving a crap. I’m trying to be valuable.

Gary — I hate you for making me grow up and do something meaningful!

Thank you!

P.S. I really don’t hate you. ;)

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