Just 5 Things – Thornbury Musical Theatre Group

All Things Thornbury
4 min readFeb 3, 2018

Hello and welcome to ‘just 5 things’, All Things Thornbury’s business and community showcase! In this series we will be bringing you short interviews (just 5 questions…can you see what we did there?) with local shops, businesses and organisations. We loved learning more about the people and organisations that make up our community and really hope you enjoy the series. You never know, maybe it will inspire you to get involved with something new or encourage you to shop or dine more locally. Please get in touch and let us know what you think using the hashtag #allthingsthornbury

Dick Whittington & his Cat runs from 14–17 February at the Armstrong Hall in Thornbury

First up we have Dave Walker, the chairman of the long-running Thornbury Musical Theatre Group (TMTG). TMTG celebrate their 50th anniversary in 2018 and have lots of exciting things planned for it. First up is their production of Dick Whittington & his Cat. The show will run from 14th-17th February at the Armstrong Hall in Thornbury. As part of the 50th year celebrations, all child tickets are just £5 so make sure you get them quick before they’re gone! Tickets are available to purchase from Lisa Costa Residential Sales & Lettings on the High Street or online at www.tmtg.org.uk/tickets. Take it away Dave…

  1. Tell us a bit about TMTG, when did it start?
Dave Walker, Chairman of Thornbury Musical Theatre Group

TMTG started in 1978 under the name of Thornbury Amateur Operatic Society, initially performing Olde Tyme Music Halls and Concerts and then developed into producing pantomimes and full scale musicals.

Nowadays, we perform a musical, a pantomime and a concert/review every year, plus performances at local community events such as Thornbury Carnival. We are a registered charity and we have about 90 current members and even more people who help produce our productions.

As of 2016, we also have a Junior section with an additional 40+ members between the ages of 7–18.

2. What do you love most about being part of TMTG?

The feeling of family and almost 100 people working together to produce amazing productions every year.

3. What has been your proudest moment since joining TMTG?

On stage: performing the iconic part of the Modern Major General in the group’s production of The Pirates of Penzance in 2013

Off stage: as Chairman, helping and seeing the group grow and develop over the last 3 years

The cast of Dick Whittington & his Cat

4. Have there been any on-stage mishaps in your time at TMTG?

Oh so many!! My favourites…

In our pantomime Aladdin two years ago, the second act began, but the man playing Dame got confused and started repeating a scene from the earlier in the show! There was no way to recover so as I was playing his son, I had to interrupt and say, in character, “ I think we’ve already done this bit” so we could carry on -the audience thought it was hilarious and nobody on stage could keep a straight face either.

In another pantomime, during the love duet, the Musical Director’s keyboard stand collapsed not once, but twice. As he struggled to fix it, the pantomime policemen decided to come on stage and improvise an investigation with the audience and the pantomime baddy came on and took credit for the mishap. It’s gone down in the group’s panto history!

TMTG rehearsals in full swing

5. When you have some time off rehearsals, what’s your favourite thing to do in and around Thornbury?

I get involved in all the other non-rehearsals related things such as publicity, set building/painting, design meetings, committee meetings and so many other things. It never stops…

But I also enjoy walking in the surrounding countryside and meeting up with friends in the many eating places in Thornbury.

Don’t forget to get your tickets for Dick Whittington & his Cat, running this half term!

Thanks Dave and good luck (or is it break a leg?) with the upcoming performance of Dick Whittington & his Cat! If you can’t make it to the show there are lots of other productions to look forward to. TMTG juniors will be performing the musical Honk! in July and there is also the TMTG summer concert “Fabulous at 50” and main show “Into the Woods” later in the year.

Also TMTG would also like to extend an invitation to their 50th Anniversary Party on 9th June and to all members, past and present, and anyone who has ever been involved in the group. If this is you, please get in touch with TMTG via their website!



All Things Thornbury

Celebrating and showcasing all there is to see, shop, eat, drink and do in and around Thornbury, South Gloucestershire.