8 Must Read Books on How To Become A MILLIONAIRE.

5 min readJan 22, 2022


1. Total money makeover, by Dave Ramsey.

Dave Ramsey is the reigning king of financial management for everyday Americans. Ramsey has built a personal finance empire — with millions of daily radio show listeners, personal finance courses, books, and even a budgeting app called Every Dollar. Ramsey himself went from bankruptcy to multi-millionaire status. No one wants to be broke, and Ramsey’s system has helped people control their spending habits, become debt-free, and build wealth.

2. The simple path to wealth, by JL Collins.

The book focuses on investing, which requires changing your mindset about money. To build wealth and become financially independent, stop thinking about money in terms of what it can buy and instead think of it in terms of what it can earn.

Wealth accumulation is made possible by compounding, in which money you invest earns interest, and you add the interest to the original sum, making it larger so it earns even more interest.

3. The richest man in Babylon, by George s. Clason.

The Richest Man in Babylon is a 1926 book by George S. Clason that dispenses financial advice through a collection of parables set 4,000 years ago in ancient Babylon. The book remains in print almost a century after the parables were originally published, and is regarded as a classic of personal financial advice.


Save at least 10 percent of everything you earn and do not confuse your necessary expenses with your desires. Work hard to improve your skills and ensure a future income because wealth is the result of a reliable income stream. You cannot arrive at the fullest measure of success until you crush the spirit of procrastination within you.

4. The Intelligent Investor, by Benjamin Graham.

The principles that Benjamin Graham outlines are the very precepts that have guided such great investors as Warren Buffett and such mutual fund innovators as John Bogle, the noted Vanguard Group founder, who wrote this edition’s foreword. First published in 1949, Graham’s text shows a few signs of age, most notably in its discussion of interest rates, investment vehicles such as savings bonds, and other time-sensitive subjects. However, those are minor issues. Most of Graham’s counsel on fundamental investing is timeless. getAbstract highly recommends this seminal book to all investors.

5.”Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman.

Nobel Prize-winning cognitive psychologist, Daniel Kahneman, offers insight into the systems of logical and emotional thinking in this book. He highlights the cognitive biases that affect how we play the stock market or perceive risks in our lives. By understanding our two systems of thought, we can make better decisions for our personal and professional lives and prevent the negative effects of our biases.

6. The Automatic Millionaire” by David Bach.

David Bach uses the story of an average American couple to illustrate how you don’t need to have a high income to be rich. Bach advocates that you should always pay yourself first and that automating your finances will pay you in the future. He says that setting up the system takes just an hour and you’ll only have to “do it once [because] the rest is automatic!”

7. Cashing on the American Dream” by Paul Terhorst.

There are many versions of the American dream and being financially independent and retiring early is one of them. Paul Terhorst shows you how to cash in on this dream with a five-year plan to retire with significant savings and overcome psychological and financial hurdles along the way. This one is on billionaire Mark Cubans list of books that shaped him.

After learning about personal finance, business, and lifestyle advice from financial experts and millionaires alike, start managing your money with the mint app today. Someday you might just be the next millionaire inspiring others to take control of their finances and build their wealth too.

8. The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing” by Taylor Larimore, Michael LeBoeuf, and Mel Lindauer.

The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing is a DIY handbook that espouses the sage investment wisdom of John C. Bogle. This witty and wonderful book offers contrarian advice that provides the first step on the road to investment success, illustrating how relying on typical “common sense” promoted by Wall Street is destined to leave you poorer. This updated edition includes new information on backdoor Roth IRAs and ETFs as mainstream buy-and-hold investments, estate taxes, and gifting, plus changes to the laws regarding Traditional and Roth IRAs, and 401k and 403b retirement plans. With warnings and principles both precisely accurate and grandly counterintuitive, the Boglehead authors show how beating the market is a zero-sum game.

Investing can be simple, but it’s certainly not simplistic. Over 20 years, the followers of John C. Bogle have evolved from a loose association of investors to a major force with the largest and most active non-commercial financial forum on the Internet. The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing brings that communication to you with comprehensive guidance to the investment prowess on display at Bogleheads.org. You’ll learn how to craft your investment strategy using the Bogle-proven methods that have worked for thousands of investors.

