How to Choose the Right CBD Oil or Product?

Allure Organics
6 min readMar 19, 2019


Cannabidiol or CBD oil is one of the great health and wellness hits of the last few years. More and more research is being done into the health benefits that CBD carries and since hemp has been legalized in the USA, it is among the most coveted ingredients for the health and wellness aficionados. CBD oil, in short, is making its way into all types of products, from functional water to chocolate, from your morning latte to the ointment in the massage parlor CBD fans frequent. It can be consumed in multiple ways, from dripping a few drops of tincture sublingually to vaping, from consuming to rubbing into your skin. It can be bought in a whole range of concentrations, from the lowest to the highest.

Such an explosion of choice to select from is always good. Or is it? Many customers, who have heard of the near ‘miraculous properties’ of CBD oil products, head to the store or pharmacy to buy it, only to be faced with the dilemma — “which product should I buy?” The choice must be made carefully and the buyer should always consult a doctor about their choice, method of consumption, and dosage of CBD oil.

Here are some guidelines that might help a customer who is just beginning their search choose the right CBD oil product for them so that they reap the best health benefits from them.

1. Why do you need it?

Cannabidiol or CBD is a natural ingredient that occurs in the plant Cannabis sativa, which comes in two cultivars, marijuana, and hemp. The biggest difference between the two is that they have been cultivated for different purposes but are basically the same species of plant. Marijuana is most known for the THC compound which, if consumed, gives a person a feeling of being ‘high’. Marijuana is for this reason illegal in most countries. Hemp, on the other hand, is very low in THC but still contains CBD. As hemp is now legal in an increasing number of countries, this is usually the plant the CBD oil that is found in CBD products is extracted from.

“It is recommended that customers buy from a corporation that traces the CBD oil back to the seed”

CBD, when consumed, interacts with the naturally occurring cannabinoid receptors in our bodies, which may lead to many health benefits. While science has yet to sufficiently prove CBD’s actual health benefits for most of the uses it is being sold for, many users already report significant improvement in alleviating anxiety and pain, tackling depression and insomnia. Certain researchers are looking into anti-ageing properties of CBD, and beneficial uses in skin care. This is the first criterion the customers should follow — what they want to use it for? Different CBD products are used to alleviate different ailments.

2. What is its extracted from?

CBD oil may be extracted from either hemp or marijuana plants. Both are these are Cannabis sativa strains, but have different properties. Marijuana yields significantly more CBD than hemp does. However, as marijuana also contains significant amounts of THC, which is a psychotropic compound, marijuana-extracted CBD products are usually sold only at pharmacies. At the moment, most CBD products are derived from hemp as it is legal in an increasing number of countries, which makes hemp-based CBD products the more immediate choice.

There are different ways of extracting CBD. The cheaper extraction methods with toxic compounds like propane, hexane, pentane, or butane may not be as beneficial and customers who are really after health benefits should not opt for those. A method that is considered to yield much purer CBD is extraction with ethanol, which is said to remove the toxins and residue from the hemp. Apart from that, extraction and manufacturing of CBD oil can be done through the so-called “supercritical CO2 extraction.” This is a process where carbon dioxide is used to extract the CBD oil in an environment with very high pressure and cold temperatures. The equipment for such extraction is very expensive and it demands a much more complex refinement process, not to mention the high level of production expertise. However, the CBD oil extracted this way will retain its purity throughout the entire process.

3. Full spectrum or pure?

There are two variants of CBD on the market depending on which compounds are present. The first and most common is pure CBD. For a long time, pure CBD was the preferred choice of for most buyers and was thought to convey the most health benefits. However, it seems that full-spectrum CBD is the substance that will help the consumer reap more health benefits. Full-spectrum CBD contains cannabinoids like CBN and CBL as well as substances like flavonoids, and terpene compounds, such as pinene and limonene. These compounds supposedly work together with CBD to boost its effect through a natural process which is known as the ‘entourage effect’. Terpenes are believed to help with symptoms like insomnia, inflammation, nausea, or pain.

“Most CBD products are derived from hemp as it is legal in an increasing number of countries”

However, it is supposedly much easier to extract full-spectrum CBD from marijuana plants than from hemp. This, however, increases the danger of THC being present in the CBD oil. Therefore, consumers are well-advised to check for the presence of THC in the products they are buying lest they end up feeling ‘high’.

4. Traceable or not?

Hemp, the plant which most CBD is extracted from, is basically a hyperaccumulator. This means that it will absorb many of the substances that are present in the soil the hemp is grown in. If the hemp is organically-grown and the soil is high quality, then the quality of the CBD can be high. However, hemp, especially industrial hemp, may also be grown in non-organic conditions. Such poor-quality soil may be polluted with heavy metals, such as mercury and lead. If a CBD manufacturer opts to buy such hemp, the quality of their CBD is also poor and may even be harmful.

“CBD is among the most coveted ingredients for the health and wellness aficionados”

Therefore, it is recommended that customers buy from a manufacturer that traces the CBD oil back to the seed of the plant, the fertilizer, the farm, the extractor, etc. What is more, customers should check for third-party lab results printed on the packaging of the product. These will prove whether the CBD used in the product is of high quality or not.

5. Ways of applying

There are different ways to apply the CBD and they may have a different effect and different duration. CBD can be applied using tinctures, vaporizers, or it can be consumed through CBD-based functional water, skin-care ointment, etc. This is how it will affect the body. If vaping, the effect will be almost immediate and it may last for hours. A few drops of tincture on or under the tongue will take effect in 20–40 minutes and its effect will last for 4–6 hours. With applying balm or cream, it takes up to an hour to have any effect but will last up to five hours. Finally, if it is taken orally in chocolate, candy, capsule, or functional water, it takes from 20 minutes to two hours, depending on the concentration, to take effect, but will last up to six hours after the onset.

6. Concentration of CBD

Research has shown that many CBD products mislabel the concentration of CBD in the product. While it is supposedly not known whether high doses of CBD are harmful, it may not have the health benefits the customers are going for. If the consumer is just starting with a CBD diet, they should begin with lower doses and see what the effects will be. If necessary, they may increase the dosage after a while. However, it is always necessary consult their doctor for guidance.

What is your experience with the types of CBD product? Please write a comment in the comment section below.



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