2 min readApr 19, 2018


Legion season 2 Ep.1

Legion is back and as confusing as ever to me if someone can clearly explain all this then please do.

David feels he's been away for a day whereas everyone else says it's been 362 days. Within this time the shadow king has been looking for his body and hasn't found it?

David a.k.a legion has been told by division 3 the agency he had tried to help that he needs to ensure the shadow king doesn't connect his mind with his physical body otherwise he'll be unstoppable. When David is placed in something to amplify his powers (like cerebro) he sees his girlfriend who can't talk but plays charades to tell him he should help the shadow king find his body.

So we the viewer are left thinking is division 3 bad and the shadow king good?

David alludes to the fact that his dad who is not mentioned but is Charles Xavier for those that know from the comics had defeated the shadow king before, why he can't now is possibly due to his age or death?

What is that mysterious creature that was in the room where the blonde lady was? It was upside down with crutches a wheel chair and animal face. Who can be trusted? We’re not even sure if David is himself free from the shadow kings grip, if his vision of his girlfriend is his or the shadow kings?

Legion has always been a bit weird but the dancing between David and the bad guys and the women with moustaches just made me want to switch off the tv along with the bad egg good egg scenario.

I’ve come this far watching it so will continue to see how it goes. Did I miss any important parts or get something wrong let me know?




Author of 4 books (Pod-Animity) (Escaping the poverty cycle, Beyond the wormhole & Allusive poems) and I blog too sometimes on topics such as films/ tv, thought