Museum Metamorphosis : Day 1

Ground Zero — setting the scene

Ally Gill
2 min readMar 1, 2024

In May 2023 I wrote the first instalment of what I’d intended to be a series of articles about transforming our local museum from a basket case into something completely different — a fully functioning organisation which will never find itself (or it’s volunteers) in the position we found ourselves five years ago. Since then, I’ve had little time to write anything down that wasn’t directly to do with achieving that goal.

In less than five weeks time, that dream will at least begin to come true and after 2020 days our doors will be opened to the public for the first time since 2018. There’s still a long way to go, but in the last twelve months we’ve made amazing progress, and it’s a great story which I want to share. But, rather than write a few oversized articles, I thought it might be more interesting to do something different.

Metamorphosis of a Museum (generated by author using the Wonder app)

Inspired by a recent Medium challenge, I’ve decided to try and explain what’s happened from a change management perspective and do it in small chunks, each chunk looking at a different concept that we’ve used to get where we are. So, for the next 30 days (or maybe more), I’m going to pick an idea and run with it for no more than 300 words and let you into some insights about how you can change your business.

I’d love for you to come along for the ride. I’ve learnt a huge amount and still have a long way to go, and I’ve been alone for much of this effort, so it would be great to have some company!

I am a semi-retired independent management consultant specialising in organisational change management and better Ways of Working and the chairman of the board of trustees at my local Heritage Centre. I’m from the UK but based in Prague in the Czech Republic. I mainly write about developing better ways of working, working in the Apple ecosystem, and my adopted home in Prague. If you’ve enjoyed this, please check out some of my other articles or even follow me if you’d like to be notified when I publish new material.



Ally Gill

I am a semi-retired management consultant and blogger. I’m from the UK but based in Prague, CZ, mostly writing about Prague, Apple, Retirement and Management