My 30-day Instagram challenge

Ally Mitchell
3 min readOct 11, 2022


With the ever-evolving algorithms, the tips and tricks and hacks to try, the strategies and solutions, I find myself cursing the universe with why is social media so complicated?!

I’m a food blogger and photographer. I write this after spending a morning ignoring the actual urgent items on my to-do list, having spent the last hour puzzling over Instagram and Pinterest, wondering why my last 6 months of what felt like never-ending uploading and pinning has a big fat nothing to show for itself.

It’s just another day on my promotion journey.

If anyone can relate to this, I have an idea which might interest you.

My 30-day Instagram challenge
My Instagram page

My 30-day challenge

Self-improvement and challenges can cause a lot of scepticism, especially when every other book sells a different message, mantra or method to achieve contentment, happiness, success, or whatever we’re all looking for.

However. There is something in the idea of setting a goal.

If I take these next 30 days to push my Instagram page, I will be able to assess what does and doesn’t work, and, most importantly, it will prevent me from dramatically throwing in the towel after an uneventful week of no engagement. This challenge will help to endure the set backs and keep plodding on.

Plus, if anyone else out there is struggling to achieve the same dreams of promoting their business on social media, we can learn from each other’s mistakes and encourage one another as we keep taking another step forward.

Instagram buddies are essential.

My foodie content

Instagram challenge goals

Over the next 30 days, I will keep these four goals in mind to use my time more effectively.

Stories: The problem with Instagram stories is that it requires you to have an interesting life. I struggle to find content because my day-to-day life is really quite boring. If anyone wants to watch me at my computer then I have loads of content for you! And I’m sure I’m not the only one who gets self-conscious when it comes to documenting the mundanity.

In these 30 days, I’m going to photograph and film more so as a result I have more to show and share. My goal is to have at least one picture/video in my stories everyday.

Posts: There are hundreds of helpful YouTube video tutorials full of strategies and techniques for conquering the Instagram algorithm. I will try out their ideas and keep delivering posts — my goal is to upload 3 a week.

And of course, reels. Ahh you cursed reels! A reel a week for the next 30 days!

Consistency: My biggest downfall! Who else here overreacts when you don’t get as many likes as you were expecting?! My reaction often involves going silent for a few days in mortification, as if anyone else noticed!

Over these 30 days I will keep going, keep going, keep going.

Keep it sexy: Who else needs their attention grabbed at every waking moment? It’s worrying isn’t it? People want something that has sex appeal, something that can keep their attention for more than 3 seconds. For me to work out what makes my Instagram sexy — and yes food is v sexy — I need to find my ideal audience.

I will write updates here on Medium so you can stay posted with my progress and learn what not to do on Instagram!

Join me on my 30-day challenge to grow in success and confidence on Instagram!



Ally Mitchell

Brit living in France and eating my way through all the baguettes