WRD 308: Visual Analysis Essay 3

Allyson Warren
5 min readMar 21, 2019


Through the years we have continuously heard the term “catfishing” and have even seen television shows made around the concept. However, recently through the rise of social media, the term “blackfishing” has come to the forefront. So first, what exactly is blackfishing? Blackfishing is “a term used for someone accused of pretending to be black or mixed-race on social media.” Generally, blackfishing is done by white women appropriating black culture through altering their bodies and skin tone, hair styles and type of outfits they wear in their posts. Although social media has been around for a decent amount of time, it has truly been on the rise within the last 10 years or less. With social media comes social media influencers who make a living based on the amount of followers, likes, and sponsors they acquire. Also in relation to social media influencers comes the concept of “Instagram models” who are highly-attractive people with large social media followings.

Since the rise of Instagram models, we have also seen a rise in the amount of celebrities who have taken social media by storm. The Kardashian family is constantly posting photos on social media of their lives, products, and sponsorship deals like Sugar Bear Hair or Flat Tummy Tea. However, we also see celebrities like the Kardashians taking part in blackfishing. In fact, many people may most likely agree that the Kardashians and blackfishing go hand in hand. Similar to the Instagram models discussed in the photos and articles assigned for class, the Kardashian family have altered their bodies and skin tones time and time again to look more black than the white women that they are. They are constantly in the headlines of various news sources being accused of blackface or simply appropriating black culture. In fact, in 2018 Kim Kardashian West’s beauty line KKW Beauty released a promotional advertisement to promote her upcoming line. However, the advertisement sparked great controversy when viewers began to accuse her of blackface. The photos shown blow present Kim Kardashian West with fuller lips and much a darker skin tone than she naturally has.


She claimed to have only been tan and due to the sultry vibe ofthe photo she was trying for, she appeared tanner. As a result of this, her team lightened the edits and revised the photos. However, this isn’t the first time Kim or her sisters have been accused of appropriating black culture. Many times their bodies are questioned because of the alterations they have done to themselves throughout the years. Kylie Jenner came into the spotlight after using lip fillers to plump up her lips which was also done by her sister Khloe not long after. Hairstyle has also been a topic of controversy as well. More than once the Kardashian sisters have been pictured specifically with braids.


So this leads me to a question that I began asking myself as I scrolled through the assigned readings. Are the Kardashians to blame for the trend of blackfishing? The family is all over the media and social media every single day from their own posts, controversies, or just basic stories about their lives. We see them at award shows, driving expensive cars, posing at photoshoot after photoshoot and more. Not to mention, their reality show Keeping Up With the Kardashians has been on E! since 2007. Girls all over the world see the media polluted with this family who look like they live the most lavish lives. In turn, girls want to be the next Kim or the next Kylie. Due to that we see social media influencer after influencer morphing their face and body to resemble the famous Kardashian look. So if the Kardashians have made a name for themselves on social media while appropriating black culture, does that make them responsible for all of the wannabes doing the same? Does it make them the biggest reason for why blackfishing has become so popular?

In my opinion, I think it does. I think the Kardashians are very much responsible for the rise and popularity of blackfishing. Without their major influence on popular culture and the social media scene, I don’t think blackfishing would be as big or as popular as it has become. Black culture appropriation is an issue and has been for a long time but without the Kardashians flooding social media with blackfishing, maybe it wouldn’t have become as big of an issue on social media as it has in recent years. Instead of continuing to appropriate the culture as a family of white women trying to be part of a race they are not a part of, I think they should use their influence and outreach to spread appreciation of the culture.

One thing I have noticed in all of the articles I have read assigned and not, is that Instagram models taking part in this trend of blackfishing all claim to just be white women with a tan. Personally I think it is a cop out only because they know when they are tanning too dark or braiding their hair and posting pictures they know will help their own personal gain without a second thought about the culture they are stealing from. Cultures especially who have had backlash for many years about their bodies, hair, and style of dress.

When looking at current Instagram models who have been accused of white women trying to be what they are not, we being to see a trend…


With that being said, I think many of the white women above are frauds because they are trying to make a name for themselves on false pretenses and claiming to just “be tan.” However, I do believe that the Kardashians are to blame because of their extremely powerful influence.

