Jamal Musiala : The Epitome of 'Spontaneous’.

Ally Tostao
9 min readJan 4, 2023


Musiala vs Pedri and Gavi

Jamal Musiala, an Argentine. Is there an environment as strong in small spaces as Musiala’s today in the world? he’s the best gambeteador out of any. Deceit is football and this lad clearly think it is so too. Gambeteador is a player who makes a lot of gambeta whereas gambeta in a vague term is dribbling, more specifically in deceitful, loose and dangling manner. He gives the remedy to the fear of taking risks or of circumventing the components of the block and greater personality to ask for each ball and try to create the danger is such incredible. He seems to recognize himself in every situation knowing that deception is essential to overcome rivals and create a favourable situation for him to prosper. It is an instinct that sends curiosity and calm in the interpretation of the legs. he stirs up with his body, never missing the chance to give the next touch and put himself in the lead. It is charming how he controls the ball with any part of his foot and doesn’t let any opponents interfere with his actions, the coordination he has to move without losing the control of the ball, the ankles that seem to be made of rubber to turn and change directions when dribbling, that imprint which he possesses and gradually polish his unique technique that defines him. Ladies and gentlemen this lad is Jamal Musiala.

Jamal Musiala, a game character. As a video game character Jamal can attack at an angle and at will whilst having incredible control in tight spaces or in stride. Not a meter or a second can be given to Musiala, he is a rubber due to his way to adapt his body to what the play needs and incredible way how he plays with his centre of gravity. Characterized with close oriented controls such that the ball simply sticks to his foot and the execution of the technical gesture is extremely fast. He fills the eyes with his brutal foot coordination for his long and very thin legs moving at a great speed which makes it difficult to know what is happening live. Musiala is the player of replays and slow motion, amazes the world of football with his repertoire of controlled controls, changes of pace and movements without the ball causing optical illusions in his opponents’ sight and his movements mandates the opponents where he really wants them to be and opposite of what he really wants to do. He is designed to face questions of current football with his interpretation of the game makes him the weapon of mass destruction, why?? Because in the football that prioritizes pressing far away, it matters a lot which player you put behind your back, who wants to steal the ball for you? Musiala is delicious, combines agility and speed in driving with a finesse typical of the midfielder surviving in the storm of great midfielders of yesteryear. As a video character he has stolen my heart.

Jamal Musiala, a pure art. He is the ball player soul with his little body as a wonderful asset, a razor in every turn, interventions and movements. Handsome and timid indeed but in reality, he is the devil and poison to the rival. He is unpredictable because of his agility, plasticity, and lightness as a sylph. Jamal dances with the ball at high level of intimacy as he treats it as if were an extension of his body having a close and intuitive relationship with the ball, and able to anticipate its movements and use it to his advantage in a way that all his gestures being a pure art. Being an artist of football just look at the feint from one foot to another in a very short space combining with his running it such a beauty to see Jamal Musiala. He has a great precision talent to unbalance on short spaces, associative capacity to progress on the field and shows such an incredible maturity at his age. He is the future not only the future but the present for whomever sees (has seen/will see) him laugh and with unparalleled health and happiness. The public see and feel only; the magic of his delicious fantasies of his moves a pure aesthetic delight for the crowd and every time I watch him, I experience the joy that masterpieces awaken. We should take care of the artist a s same for all boys who want to grow creating, imagining and playing.

Jamal Musiala, a Brazilian. Musiala has a lot of samba, a lot of Colombia, drumming, cadence and festivity. One of those remain with a Brazilian craque. He is the one that concentrates the team from the outside in, understanding him as more of a hook who breaks out script while others run the script, more of a man with circulation and possession in the final third and an appreciator of the break. He steps on it, changes direction, perfects it and releases it he is a pure manual 10 who may be born in Europe but has a Brazilian spirit. despite not reaching to knockout stages in the FIFA WC 2022, Musiala joins the select group of those who play a lot but lose for some reasons e.g., Brazil 1982. A reason for glory that graces the best highlights was Musiala’s inventive precision talent, pain and poetry. he is the character of the new football of the new era with his cordial and cheerful name of anecdote as he marvels me every time and more than that even the euphoria of auditorium fans. The gods of football are astonished because Musiala doesn’t treat the ball with kicks like the other do but he grows with the ball as if it were a rare orchid. when he plays, the field becomes a circus ring, the ball a tame beast and the game an invitation to the party.

Spirit of Kaka and Zidane in Jamal Musiala. With the distance that separates current football from 20 years ago, Musiala reminds so many people of Zidane or Kaka’s skills. His height, plasticity in the movements, the ability to play with time in reduced spaces, the ability to command and interpret quickly what movement or technical action he is going to punish the opponent with and it’s tremendous how easily he knows. He is the football itself as he integrates and embeds with the ball and his festival of controls in matches is typical Zidanesque. Most of other players need the ball close to their body when dribbling but Zizou, Kaka and Musiala can manipulate the ball even when it’s far away as possible from their bodies (fully extended legs). They may seem uncomfortable but they are not. Jamal as cold as any German who reached the highest level of football is yet to fully unleash the spirit of Zidane and Kaka in him.

Come-on Musiala unleash that Spirit within you.

Jamal Musiala, A neuroscience student. According to AS magazine[1] by Jorge Garcia Hernandez , Musiala used to visit a neuroscience centre to meet neuro-athletics coach, Jan-Ingwer Callsen-Bracker and his personal neurotrainer , Steffen Tepel for his development. There he trained concentration, peripheral vision and pays attention to everything in the field that can make even a small difference. When he enters the grass of a stadium, when the world shrinks to a green board bounded by chalk strips, when the game begins with its rules, fear arises but Musiala is calm on the pitch and very composed. He doesn’t need to think because everything in him is resolved by instinct, by pure and irresistible jet of instinct (as stated earlier he trains in concentration, peripheral vision etc). for that reason, he is always in front because the opponent’s reasoning will never have the brilliant speed of his instinct. “Human beings live little because they think a lot “and because of that now Musiala’s maximum earthly characteristics if he doesn’t need to think then for, we who think, we who reason it remains to ask; if Musiala doesn’t think, then what does he live on? he lives on instinct, on prodigious and instantaneous clairvoyance of instinct. while others are confused and confused by so much thinking, Musiala acts with an instinctive and uncontrollable speed. Through him we see that reasoning is a dredge, a cart in the face of the dizzying agility of instinct. he has an instinctive richness that sets him apart from the rest. Jamal Musiala screams football intelligence.

What do other people say about Jamal Musiala? A tactical analyst and coach Martin Rafelt said, “Musiala is a prime example of what we like to call a ‘needle player’ — a player who carries the ball through small gaps and tight spaces in between multiple opponents. His technique, but especially his agility, allow him to do that like not many others “quoted from ESPN article by Constantin Eckner[2]. Rafelt continued to say that the playing style of Musiala is very risky but has immense valuable to break down compact defences especially doing it very quickly and frequently without the need of being patient. . This is how Jan Gobel and Florian Kinast from DER SPIEGEL [3] describe Jamal Musiala, “in German football, people run, fight and press. And there is Jamal Musiala”. They further define him as a player whose skills make him a rare-breed in German football and by the way The DFB wants to develop players of such calibre who are able to assert themselves smoothly, qualities of superglue with fine touches and easily in one vs one situations. So, we hope to see more Musiala’s in the coming years. Lothar Matthaus praise on Musiala,” this is magic, this is Messi-like…… he enchants us all — he entertains us, it’s like Hollywood”. He continued saying,” you know what Lionel Messi was in Barcelona? Musiala has to be that at Bayern Munich as the fixed point of the team….”. When Cesc Fabregas was asked about who was the best young player at the moment, this was his response, “I really like Musiala from Bayern Munich. Too talent, intelligent and it looks like has great determination”. What my friend Mauricio Saldaña had his say on Jamal Musiala , “Jamal has that fresh spirit that concerns the precocious stars, those who accumulate necessary spotlights from people who like the impudent soccer he produces full of skill, creativity and devilish dribbles as he is leaving in every match whatever the event. He has that fresh soccer that only rebels possess, those who break the pre-established mold and those who, like him, create their own. His ceiling is estimable for people who look at talent out of the corner of their eye or with a microscope; it is useless for those who understand soccer as a geometric game.” Many Germans are glad and convinced that Jamal chose Germany over England. Despite the floods of praises, descriptions and many young talents jazzed up into be upcoming stars and crashed into the world of luxuriousness, Musiala is always very polite and no matter the superlative is given to him, he remains humble. “I always try to work on myself”, “I think no matter which player you compare to Messi, it’s a bit difficult,” said Musiala.

Just like a child defending his pet, Musiala would not let go of the ball and together the ball and he would perform devilish tricks that had people in the stitches. He would jump on her, he would hop on it, he would hide it off and, in the process, players would crash into each other. JAMAL MUSIALA.






Appreciation to these people through them I was able to collect as many descriptions and ideas about Musiala. Much respect to them

József Bozsik , Mauricio Saldaña , two-three-five football , Patricio Hechem , , https://twitter.com/22Masanet?s=20 , https://twitter.com/10dansilva?s=20 , https://twitter.com/MinimumWidth?s=20 , https://twitter.com/SocratesAtanzio?s=20 , https://twitter.com/deniziala?s=20 , https://twitter.com/jdeposicion?s=20 , https://twitter.com/EBL2017?s=20 , https://twitter.com/viniisq?s=20 , https://twitter.com/EmiRossen?s=20 , https://twitter.com/soprano_35?s=20 ,

