Top 10 Email Marketing Platforms to Look at in 2023

Alma Holmes
3 min readApr 5, 2023

Email marketing platforms, for instance, offer templates and simple email builders that make it simple to generate newsletters and emails rather than requiring you to come up with original ideas to develop emails that are visually appealing and likely to get opened.

Emails continue to be the top source of Return on Investment for 59% of marketers. Today, email marketing has such power. Let’s now discuss the companies that have attempted to use this ability for their own benefit. Businesses have discovered that trigger-based automated emails receive up to 119% more clicks than standard broadcast emails. This means that they get significantly better results by automating carefully designed emails based on triggers set according to customer behaviour than by sending out infrequent emails to prospects.

Top Email Marketing Platforms

1. Mailsend

One of the top email marketing tools available today is Mailsend. Mailsend is equipped with a number of thoughtfully designed new-generation marketing tools that are intended to effectively capitalise on millennials’ relationship with technology and increase your open and click-through rates. It provides a very user-friendly drag-and-drop newsletter builder, as well as tried-and-true themes, so you can make eye-catching mailings. It enables you to effectively follow up with leads and automate drip campaigns. It includes unique interfaces, such as web forms, to facilitate response from your prospects. This alone significantly raises the response rates.

Also, you can ensure that your emails do not land up in the spam folder by integrating it with programmes like SendGrid and Mailgun. All of these features can be evaluated for their effects using Mailsend’s reporting and analytics.

2. Hubspot

Among B2B companies, Hubspot is a popular email marketing tool. Its versatility is mostly to blame for this. It functions as a sales, customer support, and content management tool in addition to an email marketing platform. The usefulness of Hubspot is its key selling point. They constantly provide updates to improve how consumers engage with their services because they are all about giving prospects a better experience. They also permit a great deal of modification to make the best use of their triggers.

3. Exponea

Exponea is a new email marketing tool that prioritises relationships over conversion rates and attracting visitors to the website. For the same reason, it has a variety of customization tools that let you design campaigns that precisely match user behaviour. Additionally, it has intelligent features that can figure out when to send emails to prospects to get their attention. It also provides additional tools to help you optimise and improve the performance of your website.

4. Emarsys

The Emarsys company, established in 2000, is highly known for its flexibility and ability to adapt to different business strategies. It was recognised as the market leader for personalization in Gartner’s 2020 Magic Quadrant. Due to its versatility, it can gather information from numerous points of contact, providing a 360-degree view of the customer. Emarsys specialises in a variety of fields, including B2C retail. Together with the retail industry, the eCommerce and travel industries make extensive use of the email marketing platform.

ReadMore: Top 10 Email Marketing Platforms to Look at in 2023



Alma Holmes

Growth Strategist at 500apps | Helping Sales Leaders Generate More Revenue