Being A Marketing Intern From Home

Almira M
3 min readSep 7, 2020


You know the feeling when you’re riding a rollercoaster and when you’re on top of the lift hill it stops for a few second like it’s giving you the time to think every single decision that led you to sit on that very cart to experience every single emotion there are on the textbook for a few minutes or even just seconds, and when it’s starting to lean down, you realize you may want to get off the cart right away? That would be how I described the first quarter of this iffy year, the year 2020.

Beside the mic muting and setting the camera off on Zoom Meeting, being a last year university student in 2020 is ten times harder than it’s supposed to be. This year my peers and I ought to have some work experience that is an internship, which is in my school credits. As every business is trying to adapt from a past pace work culture to a slower and distanced one, finding a full remote internship opportunity itself was challenging. Thankfully, I came across COME Indonesia and it felt like finally riding on the second slope of a rollercoaster ride going upward.

To be frank, all of my expectation for this internship is all jumbled up between what I always expect from the working-in-a-office type of internship and a new way of an internship. Nevertheless, as I now have just finished my 3 months long of Marketing Internship at COME Indonesia, I could say it all exceeded those jumbled up expectation.

How We Work

A little bit of COME Indonesia’s background; it is a new face in the Indonesian travelling industry, playing a role as the liaison between travel agents and travellers in a form of marketplace. Two of its purposes is to make travelling easier and to help travel agents, especially local travel agent, grow its market through digitalization. Seeing the potential where this start-up company could grow; it definitely should be on your keep-an-eye list.

So, onto how I work for 3 months, I was assigned to Citilink Squad (yes, we were named squad, cool right?) along with one graphic designer, one content writers, and my co-Marketing Intern. Together our responsibility is to handle COME Indonesia’s Twitter account, which you can find here. Our 12 weeks is full of looking for content ideas, scheduling the contents, setting KPIs goal, analyzing insight, and of course uploading the contents daily. If only I could describe how creatively fulfilling this job for me, I think I could go on and on about it. But I could only achieve it with the help of those three lovely ladies on my squad.

Every single Monday and Friday we held a Zoom Meeting. Each day have its means, on Monday we present what we will do for that one week, concentration on what we will post on Twitter, and on Friday we present what we have achieved that week, which tweet has reached the KPIs we’ve set and which tweet hasn’t as to why they performed the way they did.

Thank You and Thank You

Within this internship, I have learned a lot. May sound cliché and repetitive, but I truly feel like I have learned more about; One, myself. How I work through things, how now I am more comfortable delivering my ideas to others, how to manage myself better, and how to become a better listener. Two, of course, digital marketing. Despite already taking digital marketing class and courses, it still a wonder to find out that digital marketing is very complex and is in-depth in terms of reaching its target, and I am eager to learn and experience it more. Last but not least I learn about how important it is to be adaptive in the business term. As the possibilities are endless in business, every stakeholder is ought to be creative, yet analytical, yet rational while looking at the hundreds or even thousands of possibilities.

I could only thank COME Indonesia to have given me the opportunities to learn about those three above, to have given me the opportunities to meet 30 hardworking, diligent, and motivated fellow interns, and to be the best second slope in this rollercoaster ride.

Once again, Farewell!

If you’re interested in joining the next internship batch, simply look out their blog or their Instagram.

