Running Python 2 and Python 3 side by side on Windows 10 — How?

Almir Mustafic
1 min readMar 17, 2019


In order to get both Python 2 and Python 3 coexist on Windows 10 machine, you need to follow specific instructions there are four things that need to work. I just performed these a few minutes ago and it all works.

  • Invoking Python 2 from command line (python -V)
  • Invoking pip for Python 2 (pip -V)
  • Invoking Python 3 from command line (python3 -V)
  • Invoking pip for Python 3 (pip3 -V)

Here are the instructions:

After you are done, all of this should work:

  • python -V (this should return python2 version)
  • pip -V (this should return the pip for python2)
  • python3 -V (this should return python3 version)
  • pip3 -V (this should return the pip for python3)

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Almir Mustafic



Almir Mustafic

Director of Software Engineering, Solutions Architect, Car Enthusiast. Opinions are my own. (