Building Your Portfolio Website with GitHub Pages

6 min readApr 22, 2023


In today’s digital age, having a professional online presence is more important than ever. A polished and professional portfolio website is essential for showcasing your work and attracting potential employers. GitHub Pages offer a simple and free way to create and host your portfolio website.

In this step-by-step guide, I'll walk you through the process of building your portfolio website using GitHub Pages and a website template. I’ll also share some insightful tips and tricks to make your website truly stand out.

Table of content:

  • Importance of a Portfolio Website
  • Choosing the Right Website Template
  • Customizing the Website Template
  • Deploying the Portfolio Website on GitHub Pages
  • Promoting Your Portfolio Website
  • Keeping Your Portfolio Website Updated
  • summary

Importance of a Portfolio Website

A well-designed portfolio website serves as a digital showcase for your skills, accomplishments, and best works, helping you stand out and make a lasting impression on potential clients or employers. Much like a workshop for an artisan, your portfolio website is a personal space where you can display your achievements and demonstrate your capabilities to a global audience.

Creating and maintaining a portfolio website also encourages you to learn new things, flex your creative muscles, and refine your design process, ultimately making you a better professional in your field.

Choosing the Right Website Template

Selecting the right website template is a crucial step in building your portfolio website, as it sets the foundation for showcasing your work in the best possible light. To choose a suitable template, consider browsing through platforms like HTML5 UP or other template providers that offer a variety of modern, visually appealing designs.


When evaluating templates, pay attention to their responsiveness, ensuring that they display well on various devices and screen sizes.

Additionally, look for templates that offer customization options, allowing you to personalize the design and make it uniquely yours easily. Remember that the template you choose should reflect your personal brand and align with the overall aesthetic and message you want to convey to your audience. By choosing the right template, you’ll create a strong foundation for a portfolio website that effectively highlights your skills, projects, and expertise, ultimately capturing the attention of potential clients and employers.

Customizing the Website Template

When you download a website template, you typically receive a compressed folder containing all the necessary files to build the website. These files usually include the following:

  1. HTML files — The main structure and content of your web pages.
  2. CSS files — Style and design elements, such as colors, fonts, and layout.
  3. JavaScript files — Scripts for adding interactivity and dynamic features.
  4. Images — Any images used in the template design.
  5. Documentation — Instructions or guides on how to use and customize the template.

To customize the template, focus primarily on the HTML files. The HTML files contain the content and structure of your web pages, while the CSS files define their appearance and style.

To understand and edit the HTML files, familiarize yourself with the following concepts:

  1. Tags: HTML is built using tags, which are enclosed in angle brackets < and >. Tags are used to create and define elements, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, and images. Most tags have an opening tag, like <p>, and a closing tag, like </p>, with the content placed in between.
  2. Attributes: Attributes are used within opening tags to provide additional information about the element. For example, the href attribute in an anchor tag <a> specifies the link destination: <a href="">Visit Example</a>.
  3. Nested elements: HTML elements can be nested within one another to create a hierarchy. For example, a list item element <li> is nested within an unordered list element <ul>.

To customize the content of your template, locate and edit the relevant HTML tags. For example, to update the main heading of your homepage, look for the <h1> tag and replace the existing text with your desired content:

<h1>Your Name - Portfolio Website</h1>

Similarly, to update the text in a paragraph, locate the <p> tag and replace the existing content:

<p>Welcome to my portfolio website!</p>

Once you’ve customized your website template to your liking, proceed with uploading the updated files to your GitHub repository and configuring the GitHub Pages settings to publish your portfolio website.

Deploying the Portfolio Website on GitHub Pages

After downloading and adjusting the template, the first step to hosting your portfolio website on GitHub Pages is to create a new repository dedicated to your website. Follow these steps to set up your repository and deploy your website:

  1. Log in to your GitHub account: If you don’t already have an account, create one by following the instructions on the GitHub website.
  2. Create a new repository: Click on the “+” icon in the top-right corner and select “New repository” from the dropdown menu. Name your repository in the following format: <your-username> Be sure to replace <your-username> with your actual GitHub username. This naming convention is essential for GitHub Pages to correctly recognize and serve your website.
  3. Add a brief description: Describe your repository, such as “My personal portfolio website.”
  4. Choose between public or private: Note that the repository must be public for GitHub Pages to serve your website publicly.
  5. Initialize the repository with a README file: Check the “Add a README file” box.
  6. Complete the process by clicking the “Create repository” button.
  7. Upload your website files: Clone the newly created repository to your local machine using a Git client or the command line. Copy all the customized website files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.) into the cloned repository folder. Add, commit, and push the changes to the remote repository on GitHub.
  8. Enable GitHub Pages: Go to your repository's settings page on GitHub. In the sidebar under Code and automation section, hit on “Pages”. Under “Source,” select the branch you want to deploy your website from (usually the main or master branch). Save the settings.
  9. Access your live website: After a few minutes, your portfolio website will be live at Check the deployment status in your repository settings' "GitHub Pages" section. It may take a few minutes for the website to become accessible.

Your portfolio website is now live on GitHub Pages! You can continue to update and improve your website by editing the files in your repository and pushing the changes. GitHub Pages will automatically update your live website with the latest changes.

Promoting Your Portfolio Website

Once your portfolio website is live, it’s crucial to promote it and reach your target audience. Here are a few tips to help you achieve this:

  1. Leverage social media: Share your portfolio website on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to showcase your work to your network and potential clients.
  2. Include your portfolio link in your email signature: This simple step ensures that every email you send becomes an opportunity for recipients to discover your work.

Keeping Your Portfolio Website Updated

To maintain a fresh and relevant portfolio, it’s essential to keep your website updated:

  1. Add new projects: As you complete new projects or case studies, showcase them on your website to reflect your most recent work.
  2. Update your skills and experience: Regularly review and update your skills, experience, and any relevant certifications to demonstrate your continuous growth and development.
  3. Refresh the design: Periodically update the design and layout of your portfolio website to keep it modern and visually appealing.


A well-crafted portfolio website is a valuable tool for showcasing your work and brand. Start by choosing a suitable template, customizing it, and deploying it on GitHub Pages. Promote your website through various channels, such as social media and networking, and regularly update your portfolio with new projects and achievements.

Following these steps, you’ll have a unique portfolio website demonstrating your skills, experience, and capabilities to potential clients and employers.

With dedication and creativity, your portfolio website will serve as a testament to your professional achievements and become a dynamic, ever-evolving platform that captivates visitors and opens doors to exciting new opportunities.

Happy showcasing!

