Al Momen Pranto
1 min readAug 9, 2020

This Motivational Speech can Change your Life

MOTIVERSITY I CAN DO THIS I seen millions of motivational speakers the speech to the rich. SPOKEN BY WILLIAM HOLLISThe speak to be successful I said: who speaks to the broken? Who speaks to the individuals that are still in the process? Who speaks to the individual that doesn’t want to live anymore?

Every more way to speech that you ever heard. I was talked into myself and I was telling my story I couldn’t read until I was 16 I buried my mother to a heroin overdose My father was a hitman I used to sneak into crack houses to sleep next to my mom to make sure she was safe at night But through all the chaos and all the pain God built a warrior So when all see King Hollis and every time I drop a speech I’m dropping it for you That person that wants to give up on this life I’m dropping it for you. Read more……