What Is Progressive Overload And How To Apply It?

4 Plate Fitness
3 min readDec 2, 2022



Progressive overload is one of the most important principles of strength training. It’s also one that’s easy to forget, especially when you’re just getting started. But once you understand what progressive overload is and how it works in your workouts, you’ll be able to take advantage of these techniques and make them part of your routine! In this article I’ll explain what progressive overload means and how it affects your muscles.

Definition and explanation

Progressive overload is a training principle that states that in order to get stronger and build muscle, you need to progressively increase the amount of work you do over time. This can be achieved through a variety of methods, including increasing your weight or reps on each set and taking more sets than usual.

The principle behind progressive overload is simple: if an exercise doesn’t challenge your body enough, it won’t grow — you need something challenging for growth!

Progressive overload methods

Progressive overload is the principle that the more you do, the better you’ll get at it. Here are some ways to apply this principle:

  • Increase the weight you lift.
  • Increase the number of reps you do for each set or exercise.
  • Increase mind muscle connection during your set.

How to use progressive overload in your workouts

Progressive overload is the key to muscle growth. It can be applied to your workouts, so you should be able to do more reps or more weight in each workout. You should also be able to lift more weight in each workout, which will help you progress toward your goal of being able to lift heavier weights as well as larger amounts of them.

It’s important that you keep track of how many reps and sets are being performed at any given time during a workout

How to use progressive overload in your cardio

Progressive overload is a training principle that also applies to all of your cardio workouts. you can do this by

Increase the intensity of your cardio workouts. You can do this by increasing how hard you push yourself during each workout or by adding weight to the exercise.

Use progressive overload to track your progress.

Progressive overload is a simple concept that can be applied to your workouts, cardio and overall health. The idea is to increase the intensity of your workouts as you progress through them so that they become more challenging over time. This allows you to get stronger, fitter and healthier as you go along!

To help you understand how progressive overload works in different areas of fitness, here are some examples:

  • If you’re trying out a new exercise program or technique, start off with light weights until comfortable then gradually increase the weight or difficulty level each time before moving on again.
  • If running long distances (for example marathons) then start by running short distances first which should allow plenty of time for recovery between each one — this way there won’t be any chance for injuries due too lack of rest between sessions which would otherwise happen if someone tried something new without proper preparation beforehand.


Progressive overload is the best way to track your progress and understand what you need to do to reach your goals. The more information you have about proper form and technique as well as intensity levels when doing these exercises, the better off everyone will be in achieving their desired results which include weight loss or gain depending on what type of goals you want from your training routines.

