If You Can Track It, You Can Hack It

Jasper Thorne
4 min readSep 27, 2019
Photo by Matt Ragland on Unsplash

Let me know if this scenario sounds familiar to you: You get all excited about working on a new project. Ideas fly fast and furious out of your fingertips and you make some forward progress, still riding the high of creation.

But then…something happens.

Your muse flies out the window or your cat pees on the carpet again or you have a big project coming up at school or work. Whatever it is, your flow is broken.

If you’re like me, this leads to much teeth-gnashing, stress-eating, and a long string of days where you get nothing done. You wake up to comments asking where you’ve been and you feel a lump in your throat. Now you’re even more behind, and the stress mounts.

Just a few days ago, you were rocking it! The words were flying out of your fingertips! What happened?

To explain that, I’m going to use a common adage from the world of physics. What’s in motion stays in motion, and what’s at rest, unfortunately, stays at rest. We’ve all heard the “write every day” mantra, but how do we actually put that to work?

The main thing I’m going to talk about here is this: If you can track it, you can hack it.

What that means:

  • A lot of times we get in writing slumps without really knowing why

