Aloha EOS
7 min readJul 8, 2019

Aloha, WAX!

We are Aloha EOS, a guild candidate for WAX that will primarily be hosted in Hawaii. At Aloha EOS, we believe firmly in acting with integrity, honesty, fairness, openness, and transparency as we work towards promoting and supporting the WAX community. Our team is led by industry experts in high availability server administration, application and web development, usability and design, and blockchain technology.

Aloha EOS was formed in early 2018 and was a founding block producer candidate on the EOS Mainnet, helping to organize and launch the network. Since then we have been involved with many other EOSIO networks and are currently registered for production on EOS, BOS, MEET.ONE, ORE, BEOS, and several testnets such as Jungle and CryptoKylin. We are also partners with StrongBlock, who helped launch the WAX Mainnet.

Vision and Goals

We promote the community tenets of integrity, transparency, benefit to the community, and the overall success of WAX. Our unique geographic location helps to diversify the WAX guild network as we help bridge the East and West.

We aim to have among the highest level of security and performance as a guild. Additionally, we strive to maximize stability and uptime. Indeed, while we were producing for the BOS network, we had 100% block production uptime. Finally, we provide measurable value back to the community with our support, tools, and promotion.



Name: Aloha EOS LLC
Location of headquarters: United States, Idaho
Location of incorporation: United States, Delaware
Location of servers: United States, Hawaii and Oregon




Nate is a long time entrepreneur with both a broad and deep technical background. He brings over 20 years of experience in development and systems engineering, with a focus on scalability and security. As an entrepreneur, Nate founded or co-founded numerous companies and has the experience to wear many different hats. He has also been a cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiast since early 2010.

Patrick has 23 years of experience and proven success in working in diverse environments within both the private and public sectors of information technology. He is experienced in managing IT services across multiple facilities and has developed efficient and reliable technology infrastructure with scalable solutions to allow businesses to meet current and future needs. All of this puts Patrick in a prime position to leverage his experience to build and maintain a highly performant, stable, and secure EOSIO infrastructure.

Joe provides financial support to Aloha EOS. He has been professionally involved with technology since the early 90s and has a strong desire to educate others around the possibilities that blockchain can bring to bear. In prior positions, Joe ran a software development company and was the director of information technology at another. He is passionate about the future of blockchain and EOSIO in particular.

We also contract as needed for additional help with tasks such as community support, development, and operations.

Technical Specifications and Scaling Plan

Below is a multiple phase list of the infrastructure we plan to add for the WAX network. Phase 1 has already partially been deployed with completion in Q3 2019, and Phase 2 will follow shortly after if our guild rewards support it. In either phase, we can scale up our public infrastructure as needed to meet demand. All servers listed are bare metal and include capacity to upgrade RAM and storage as needed.

Phase 1

  • (1+) Hawaii primary producing node: Xeon E or similar with 4GHz+ clock, 64GB+ RAM, 640GB+ NVMe storage
  • (1) Hawaii private peer node: Xeon E or similar with 4GHz+ clock, 32GB+ RAM, 640GB+ NVMe storage
  • (1) Oregon load balancer: Xeon, 32GB RAM, SSD storage
  • (2+) Oregon public API + peer: Xeon E or similar with 4GHz+ clock, 32GB+ RAM, 1TB+ SSD storage
  • (1+) Oregon testnet node(s): Xeon E or similar with 4GHz+ clock, 32GB+ RAM, 640GB+ SSD storage

Monthly server and network expense for Phase 1 will be around $1200. We also pay for a 24/7 engineering staff to run our network and handle any incidents that come up.

Phase 2

  • (1) Hawaii primary producing node: Xeon E or similar with 4GHz+ clock, 64GB+ RAM, 640GB+ NVMe storage
  • (1) Hawaii private peer node: Xeon E or similar with 4GHz+ clock, 32GB+ RAM, 640GB+ NVMe storage
  • (1) Singapore private peer node: Xeon E or similar with 4GHz+ clock, 32GB+ RAM, 640GB+ NVMe storage
  • (1) Oregon private peer node: Xeon E or similar with 4GHz+ clock, 32GB+ RAM, 640GB+ NVMe storage
  • (1) Oregon secondary producing node: Xeon E or similar with 4GHz+ clock, 64GB+ RAM, 640GB+ NVMe storage
  • (2) Oregon load balancer: Xeon, 32GB RAM, SSD storage
  • (2+) Oregon public API: Xeon E or similar with 4GHz+ clock, 64GB+ RAM, 1TB+ SSD storage
  • (2+) Oregon public peer: Xeon E or similar with 4GHz+ clock, 32GB+ RAM, 1TB+ SSD storage
  • (1+) Oregon testnet node(s): Xeon E or similar with 4GHz+ clock, 32GB+ RAM, 640GB+ SSD storage

Monthly server and network expense for Phase 2 will be around $2500. We also pay for a 24/7 engineering staff to run our network and handle any incidents that come up.

Phase 2 diagram:

Community Benefit Outline

From participating in the pre-mainnet launch testing to the many EOS related events we have sponsored to the online discussion we actively engage in, Aloha EOS remains steadfast in our journey to help ensure the success of EOS and EOSIO based platforms. The WAX community can expect this same proven track record from Aloha EOS as it pertains to our WAX initiatives.

Community Support

Aloha EOS offers community support in both English and Chinese via Telegram for the different networks in which we participate. We will extend this support to the WAX community in order to increase user adoption and help provide a smooth onboarding process.

Aloha EOS Tools

We are a technically focused block producer and have worked hard to make tools that both end users, as well as fellow block producers, can find value in. We intend to bring that value to WAX and have already ported over our CPU Benchmarking tool. We will also be bringing our other relevant tools soon.

Project and Event Sponsorship

Just like we helped sponsor events like the Dunya Labs Catalyst Series hackathon, Conexus 2018, and the EOS World Expo, Aloha EOS will help sponsor qualified WAX community events and projects to help promote WAX and expand the ecosystem.

Our thoughts on…


Governance plays a vital role in blockchain, especially on EOSIO based chains where it can drastically affect the success (or failure) of the network. For WAX, we intend to support the direction of the community. Ongoing open communication and education among the WAX community and guilds are integral to a healthy WAX network.

Transparency and accountability

Per our mission statement, we believe firmly in acting with integrity, honesty, fairness, openness, and transparency as we work towards promoting and supporting the WAX platform and community at large.


We believe block producer security is critical to the success of the WAX platform. We have a deep understanding of security and apply best practices when it comes to prevention, detection, and risk mitigation. Additionally, we plan to rely on third parties for regular audits and will publish those results publicly.

As an example, we apply best practices such as multisig and cold storage for securing our owner keys. We also heavily utilize the EOSIO permission system to limit the authorization scope on our accounts.


The backbone of any EOSIO blockchain is each block producer’s infrastructure. In order for the WAX network to operate in a highly performant and reliable manner, block producers (guilds) should be running properly specced and tuned hardware. Ideally, this hardware would be deployed in highly available configurations with automated failover mechanisms in place. In addition to these items, no infrastructure is complete without a proper network monitoring system in place and a 24/7 on-call staff to quickly handle incidents.

One of the primary motivators behind us releasing the CPU Benchmarks and Reliability tools was to try and objectively gauge whether block producers were using proper hardware that was tuned correctly, and whether or not they reliably produce blocks.

At Aloha EOS, we are proud to say we are 100% bare metal, have properly tuned hardware, redundant infrastructure configurations, and we strive to be among the best in incident response time.

Aloha EOS

We are a US EOSIO block producer with our infrastructure based in Hawaii. More info at