Completed 1095 Love Letters to Strangers Project

Sweet Lychee
2 min readMar 1, 2015

After months of pouring my soul into each love letter & I finally completed my heartfelt, “1,095 Love Letters to Strangers Project” on Sunday (10.29.13).

As the pile of my love letters to strangers grew smaller, I started to feel anxious about completing this project; I was worried handwriting all these letters meant I had to be fully recovered from my broken heart.

Then I stumbled upon this insightful gem from Sarah Dessen, “Some people, they can’t just move on you know, mourn and cry and be done with it. But for me… I don’t know. I didn’t want to fix it, to forget. It wasn’t something that was broken. It’s just… something that happened. And like that hole. I’m just finding ways, every day, of working around it. Respecting and remembering and getting on at the same time.”

I believe it’s important to make progress (no matter how small) & work hard with moving forward with my life; sometimes, it’s a daily struggle to not allow pain to consume me, but by throwing myself into something bigger than the pain has helped me remember, there’s more to life than your heartbreak.

Completed 1,095 Love Letters to Strangers Project included:

  • 1,095 cards & envelopes
  • 1,095 different positive affirmations or quotes inside each card
  • 1,095 personalized love letters (NO two love letters are the same)
  • 100+ Sharpies
  • 20+ rolls of Scotch tape
  • 15 booklets of stamps
  • 12 hospitals & organizations who received love letters packages
  • 7 friends who helped distribute love letters to strangers in their respective cities

*I want to give a BIG shout out to Hannah Brencher, the founder of More Love Letters, for being an inspiration to fellow/former members of the “Broken Hearts Club” & proving that love letters have the ability to change the world.*


Sweet Lychee

Originally published October 4, 2013.



Sweet Lychee

I’m positively in love with words. There’s an Italian grandma inside me who bakes & cooks too much #CulinaryTherapy #LoveLettersToStrangers #NapQueen #HomeCook