Tips for a Stress-Free Move to a New Coliving Space

3 min readJan 23, 2024

Moving to a new coliving space should be a thrilling adventure, not a stress-inducing ordeal. Whether you’re a seasoned nomad or a first-time mover, mastering the art of stress-free transitions is key to turning your new coliving space into a haven of comfort and community. Here’s your ultimate guide to a move that’s as smooth as it is exciting.

Embrace the Early Bird Approach

Start planning well in advance to avoid last-minute chaos. Here’s a Forbes Moving Abroad Checklist if you’re moving to a new city, and if you’re just moving out from your old place, create a checklist that covers everything from packing essentials to notifying utilities. Giving yourself ample time allows for careful consideration and prevents the frantic packing that can lead to unnecessary stress.

Declutter and Donate

Moving is the perfect opportunity to declutter your life. Assess your belongings and donate or sell items that no longer serve you. Not only does this lighten your load, but it also brings a sense of clarity to your new space. For some Inso, you can always go to the master of decluttering, Marie Kondo, and maybe watch her show on Netflix “Tidying Up”.

Pack Strategically

Pack room by room, keeping similar items together. Clearly label your boxes with both their contents and the room they belong to. This small investment in organization pays off when you’re unpacking in your new coliving space and can easily find what you need. Even when you arrive, consider that there are some things you might not need; maybe your roomie is willing to share with you her hair drier in exchange of you sharing your air-frier.

Seek Help and Celebrate

Moving doesn’t have to be a solo mission. Enlist the help of friends or family members. Not only does this make the process more enjoyable, but it also speeds up the packing and unpacking process. Don’t forget to celebrate the milestones — completing the packing, saying goodbye to your old space, and arriving at your new coliving home.

If you’re doing it alone, you can still romanticize it. Maybe listen to a podcast while you’re at it (we love Tthe Moments Podcast by Lexi Hidalgo, f.e.) or light an incense candle while unpacking to fill your new place with positive energy.

Connect with the Coliving Community

Once you’ve settled into your new space, take the time to connect with your coliving community. Attend free events in the city, introduce yourself to your new roommates, and join every activity you can. Building connections early on enhances your overall coliving experience and helps you feel at home in no time.

Embrace Flexibility

Expect the unexpected. Moving, no matter how well-planned, can have its surprises. Embrace flexibility and approach challenges with a positive mindset. After all, the journey is just as important as the destination.

Your coliving move should be a memorable experience for all the right reasons. You’re starting a new chapter, wherever you are and whomever you are with. Pack the things that feel true to this new version of you, be spontaneous and enjoy every step of the way.

