Data Structures and Algorithms(DSA) Concept- Subarrays — Part 1.

Alok G V
2 min readJun 7, 2024

Topics : Subarrays, Brute Force approach in subarrays, prefix sum approach in subarrays and carry forward approach in subarrays.

What is a subarray ?

A subarray is a contiguous part of array, i.e., Subarray is an array that is inside another array.

  • An single element is also a Subarray.
  • Complete array is also a Subarray.
  • Order of elements have to be the same as the original array.
Example :

A=[4, 1, 2, 3, -1, 6, 9, 8, 12]


4,6 not a subarray
1,2 is a subarray
4,1,2,3,6. not a subarray
1,4. not a subarray
4 is a subarray
3,2,-1 not a subarray

How to count the number of subarrays in a array of size N ?

The count of subarrays are calculated by changing the start value and 
counting the number of subarrays possible.

s=0 s=1 s=2.............. s=N-1
N N-1 N-2 1 subarray

Total subarrays : N+ (N+1) + (N+2) +....+3+2+1

: N(N+1)/2

Given an array A of size N . Print all subarrays ( every subarray in a new line).

public void printAllSubarrays(int[] A){

// s=> start
// e=> end

int N = A.length;

for( int s=0; s<N,s++){
for ( int e=s;e<N;e++){
for(int i=s;i<=e;i++){

// TC : O(N^3)

Given an array A of size N. find sum of all the subarrays (Print sum of every subarray in a new line.)

We will approach this question using three methods and understand how each method impacts the time and space complexity.

  1. Brute Force method.
public void printSum(int[] A){

for( int s=0; s<N,s++){
for ( int e=s;e<N;e++){
int sum=0;
for(int i=s;i<=e;i++){


In the brute force method the time complexity(TC) is 0(N³) and has a space complexity of 0(1).

lets try the to bring the time complexity down.

2. Prefix Sum method.

public void printSum(int[] A){
// Build a prefix sum;
int N = A.length;
long PS[]= new long[N];

PS[0]= A[0];
for(int i=1;i<N;i++){


// Get the sum of subarrays

for( int s=0;s<N;s++){
for(int e=s;e<N;e++){




In the prefix sum approach we have reduced the time complexity to

TC: O (N²), but the space complexity has increased to SC : O(N).

3. Carry Forward approach.

public void printAllSubSum(int A[]){
int N=A.length;
for (int s=0;s<N;s++){
int sum=0;
for(int i=s;i<N;i++){



Here We are able to bring down the space complexity too.

TC : O(N²),

SC :O(N³)

In part 2 We will explore contribution technique and sliding window technique in subarrays .

