Healthcare Summit — Disruptive Indian Healthcare Innovations for the World

Alok Medikepura Anil
Global Shapers Bangalore
6 min readDec 24, 2017

Press Release of event on December 23rd 2017.

Synopsis of the Event

Event Invite

Healthcare Summit, held on 23rd December 2017 at Dayananda Sagar University, Hosur Road campus; discussed the future of the fast-evolving Healthcare sector and is of relevance to healthcare start-ups, academicians, policy makers, NGOs, social healthcare entrepreneurs and industry building innovative solutions in the healthcare space. The event was organised by Bangalore Chapter of Global Shapers Community (An initiative of The World Economic Forum), in collaboration with Dayananda Sagar University & Autodesk.

Summit Agenda was to showcase applications of new age technologies in the field of Healthcare. How digital and hardware technological adoption in the field of healthcare, is making patient treatment better, therapies more effective and extending human longevity.

Summit Takeaways for audience — Event registration was via an online registration link and we had attendees from leading hospital management teams, healthcare professionals, startups, academic researchers, students and industry leaders. Audience learnt about the efforts being taken to create Make in India products for the global market and about Healthcare innovations globally and in India that will positively impact our lives in the next decade.

Event Photos :

For Further Details regarding the event, please contact –

Mr. Alok Medikepura Anil ,+91 8971909120

Member of 3D Printing Expert Network — World Economic Forum & Global Shapers Bangalore

Welcome Speech — Role of academia in creating innovative thinking and programs run towards bridging the academia — industry divide

Mr. R Janardhan — Pro Vice Chancellor, Dayananda Sagar University

· DST Funded Startup Incubation centre

· Set up of a privately funded Innovation Centre at Dayananda Sagar Innovation Campus to instil the spirit of entrepreneurship amongst students

· GE Healthcare, Nvidia, Autodesk and Bosch few of the many companies that have already set up labs within the Innovation centre on campus (DS University, Kudlu Gate, Hosur Road)

Keynote — Precision Medicine and growth of personalized medicine in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era — creating policy and ecosystem to keep pace with innovation

Dr. Vijay Chandru, CEO Strand Life Sciences and World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer Awardee

· 1/3rd of India’s Biotech companies in Bangalore — Study by ABLE

· Ecosystem is ripe for disruption in the field of personalised medicine

· Discussion about the growth story of Strand Life Sciences, an independently held private company

· Strand Life Sciences working towards creating affordable genomics solutions

· Bioinformatics is today helping early screening for cancer and providing testing methods to determine probability for occurrence of a hereditary disease

· World is moving towards personalised treatments and neo-natal gene modification is leading to a future where we will have “designer babies”

· Strand has 30% market share in its segment and currently has both local and international clientele

Panel Discussion — Healthcare solutions for the masses. Indian Healthcare innovations for the World.

Dr. Vijay Chandru (CEO — Strand Life Sciences, World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer Awardee); Dr. Jagadish Mittur (Head — Biotechnology Facilitation Cell — KBITS, Department of IT BT and S&T, Government of Karnataka); Mr. K Chandrasekhar (CEO, Forus Health); Dr. Dheepa Srinivasan (Additive Manufacturing, General Electric); Mr. Anurag Ramdasan (Global Shapers Bangalore and VC at 3one4 Capital)

Key Highlights -

· Gene editing (CRISPR technology) has lots of potential in this fourth industrial revolution era and policy is being framed with Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT), to enable Indian innovators to stay ahead of the curve and innovate in the space of genomics — Dr. Vijay Chandru

· Government of Karnataka was the first state to come up with a biotechnology policy (circa. 1999) followed by its second version in 2011 and just last month released the third updated version of the policy to keep abreast of the fast changing scenarious and rapidly developing technologies. Government of Karnataka (GoK) is focussed towards creating clusters for innovation in healthcare and others fields of biotechnology (Bangalore Helix Park in Electronics City is one such centre where they have IBAB, CHG and BBC specializing in Bioinformatics, Human Genetics and Innovations across BT sectors respectively) ; deploy funds for early/ growth stage start-ups via their Idea2PoC, Grand Challenge and Elevate Funding programs; create quality human resource personnel (For example- Bioinformatics graduate students from IBAB and likewise human genetics students from CHG centre are in global demand for their skills). GoK has also collaborated with institutions such as CFTRI in Mysore to establish an innovation centre focusing on Nutra and Phytopharmaceuticals; with UAS - Dharwad to establish an innovation centre focusing on Agri Biotech and allied areas. New such innovation centers as part of TBI (Technology Buisness Incubation) are being worked upon to be set up in collaboration with KVAFSU - College of Fisheries in Mangalore to focus on Aqua-Marine Biotech and in KVAFSU - BiDA to focus on Animal Biotechnology. Going forward, the new focus areas include Anti Microbial Resistance, Microbiome, Rare Disease management, Medical Devices, Bio Engineering and others — Dr. Jagadish Mittur

· 3D Printing in Healthcare is a USD 3+ Billion Dollar opportunity. GE is focused on utilising the power of additive manufacturing (3D Printing) to create affordable healthcare devices. Work with certifying aerospace grade parts similar to what needs to be done by medical sector to certify medical grade implants. Various advantages of using additive manufactured in designing medical grade implants, equipment and lab testing tools (3D Bioprinting). Solutions to cater to needs of India’s large diabetic population can come from 3D Printing. — Dr. Dheepa Srinivasan

· Inspired by the Aravind Eye Hospital chain, Forus Healthcare set forth on their journey in 2010 to develop an affordable eye screening device with the goal to eradicate avoidable blindness. Their eye screening platform is called 3nethra. Forus has sold products in 26+ countries and truly represents the Make in India for the World dream of our country’s Prime Minister. Ecosystem was supportive to provide inputs and collaboration, when they started off. Challenges faced along the way to building a global product company include lack of infrastructure to conduct regulatory tests, slow time from prototype to product. — Mr. K Chandrasekhar

· Private VC firms already working with government to help their portfolio start-ups tackle various on ground challenges and to deploy technology to improve government efficiency in fields ranging from agriculture to IT. Most VC funds have a shorter life cycle than a deep tech focused life sciences company that is looking at 10-year plus gestation period. This requires exploring other routes for VCs to be able to work better with startups in this space with special structures, incentives and better liquidity through proposed SME exchanges. VC community will continue to better engage with the healthcare ecosystem with the goal of supporting novel Make in India Healthcare companies. — Mr. Anurag Ramdasan

We also had the following Healthcare companies and start-ups showcase their work through 10-minute presentations followed by audience Q&A

DocsApp : Doctor consultation and chat via Mobile Application —

Niramai : Pre-screening AI tools for Breast cancer —

Next Big Innovation Labs : 3D Bioprinting — 3D Skin Tissues for cosmetic R&D testing & Maxillofacial Models for use as pre-surgical guides —

Gangagen : Developing novel antibacterials for drug resistant bacteria—

Biodesign Innovation Labs : New age ventilator for emergency rooms accessible to the bottom of the pyramid —

