Eugene’s Weekly #1

Eugene Tulusha
2 min readMay 8, 2017



I’ve decided to try to use Medium platform for blogging. And First thing that I want to blog about is the interesting readings that I’ve read and liked last week.


Advanced NSOperations, WWDC 2015

Yeah, that’s session is 2 years old. But it still so good as it was 2 years ago. Apple engeniers showed how they addopted NSOperation and NSOperationQueue for almost all actions in app. They said alot about operations dependencies like it’s killer feature. And when I said they use it for almost all actions I really mean almost all, they do not only some network, parsing, storing, fetching logic but alsom UI presenting too! Source code in Swift 2 but it can be converted into Swift 3 without huge amout of development affort.

Give Your Terminal Some Personality

So adorable tool for terminal that will show you dashboard and will try to remind you about how cool you are and how important to make some brakes during the hard work to be more productive and healthy

Creating Better User Experiences with Animations and Lottie

I love to read all the things that guys form PSPDFKit team are doing. They are true engeniers and every task they do and every blog post they post is very interesting from developers point of view. This is another grate practical article about how they use Lottie (library for rendering After Effects animations on different platforms). One of the biggest advantages here is that one creatied animation in After Effects can be used on many platforms (iOS and Android).

Welcome to Open-Source Guide

This guy made couple of known open source libraries and in this article he summarized his experience and made a simple guide about what are initial steps to create well looking open source library.


Don’t work with psychopaths

Good and simple advice right from the topic of the article. There are also few other tricks if you are working in both psychopath-free and not free environments.

Working remotely, coworking spaces, and mental health

“Different people like different kinds of work environments; “working remotely” doesn’t have to mean “working from home”; and if you’re going to work remotely, you should find the work environment that’s the right fit for youdifferent people like different kinds of work environments; “working remotely” doesn’t have to mean “working from home”; and if you’re going to work remotely, you should find the work environment that’s the right fit for youdifferent people like different kinds of work environments; “working remotely” doesn’t have to mean “working from home”; and if you’re going to work remotely, you should find the work environment that’s the right fit for you.”

And I’m completely agree with the author


3 advices to startupers from Gregorii Bakunov (Director of Technology Dissemination at Yandex)

1. If you want to make just a business — make dumplings cafe

2. Stop thinking about technologies! There are a lot of technologies around, you just need to collect all you need together. No need to create your own bicycle.

3. If you can’t make a product in 1 month — throug it out and make another product.

