Setting up a local Kubernetes cluster with insecure registries

Albert Lombarte
2 min readJun 7, 2018


Setting up a local Minikube is a straightforward process, but if you want to use insecure registries in development then it might get a little bit tricky. This article is a short guide to make it run.

Minikube Installation

Check their README for more details, in a Mac you would typically do this:

brew cask install virtualboxbrew install kubectl

Add the insecure registries

The important step here is that when you start minikube for the first time, pass the insecure-registryflag:

minikube start --insecure-registry="your.private.repo:PORT"

The flag accepts one registry, if you have more, pass it several times. If you have started previously Minikube without the flag, delete the machine and don’t lose more time. I will repeat it because you might keep going and lose all morning. If you have started minikube and didn’t pass the flag, delete the machine:

minikube delete

And this is probably all the advice you needed today :)

So start minikube with the insecure registry flag and now enable the registry credentials add-on:

minikube addons configure registry-creds
minikube addons enable registry-creds

You will be prompted to add AWS, Google or Docker registries. Add the URL of your private Docker here.

Now check the VM has access to the registry manually:

minikube ssh
docker login your.private.repo
docker pull your.private.repo/whatever-image

At this point you should be able to use images from your private registry ignoring the certificates. If you keep seeing “x509: certificate signed by unknown authority” follow your steps back.

Kubernetes will need to have a secret in order to get access to the images:

kubectl create secret docker-registry my-secret --docker-server="https://your.private.repo" --docker-username=”USER” --docker-password=”PASS” --docker-email=”YOU@COMPANY”


At this point you can start working with Kubernetes and the private images will be sucessfully taken from the registry.




Albert Lombarte

Delivering KrakenD, the fastest API Gateway. CEO of Brutale Engineering. Independent technology advisor in several companies.