TEMCO: Blockchain Solution for Transparency in the Supply Chain.

Lemom Fat
4 min readDec 2, 2018


Have you ever come to wonder what happenes to the products we use every single day of our living before they get to us, from what we eat, to what we wear, what shelters us and every other thing we use around for one purpose or the other. Also how do we verify the originality of these products.

Alot of unseen things could happen while the product goes through the supply chain.

But now a solution(Temco) energies

With Temco the solution is brought to your palms through highly connected blockchain network to provide transparent data which empowers business is and provide a trust less verification system for consumers.

It provides an application for consumers to track products from its points of origin down to its final call Jima be able to access the data and record add event the truth please why did good we’re being mistreated supply chain.

In Temco platform, participants can purchase using a supported cryptocurrency and get involved in data sharing.
The platform is designed in such a way that once a participants get actively involved in the ecosystem through data sharing he is incentivized with the Temco token.
To make all these generate valuable data, Temco has a visual analytics tool which are big data tools with visibility and fast analytics as its major properties to provide simple intuitive and collaborative solution so that data can be used for business innovation, advancement, growth and improvement of our life in a very cost-effective way.


Businesses can adopt the solution Temco provides through real-time business intelligence tools that categorises and allows one to assess supply chain data which are stored in the blockchain.
This data generated and stored can be used by the businesses to make strategic decisions to help in cost reduction, time saving and general business operations.

This is a very important service /app that links consumers and companies. With this application consumers can quickly and cheaply track products supply data and purchase them with cryptocurrencies since this system works with the blockchain it is completely trustless and immutable this means that the consumer can actually trust the authenticity of data given and as well experienced fast payment system with cryptocurrencies

Data is know now to be the most valuable non-tangible commodity. A lot of it is being generated in the Temco’s platform which are of high value because this relevant information are connected together. Temco’s big data service processes this information and provides them to businesses in the form of API and other usable means.

While using the Temco platform a couple of transactions are being initiated and stored on the blockchain. From the creation of contract, then product sales, the company selling has to deliver these products to the consumer who confirms after reception of order and then there is a transfer of ownership from the company to the consumer.
With regular systems the consumer has no information of what transpired during the product sales and product delivery, this gives a black hole in the supply chain has brought light to this and brings trustless solution to help keep track of activities that goes on at these stages. Temco uses IOT devices to monitor and record the temperature and humidity of these product in real time. These IOT devices also records routes the products go through before arriving at the final destination. Using RFID designed with ultra low power consuming Semiconductors, accurate data is being collected without human error or tampering.


Temco coins are classified into two:
1. Temco Tokens and
2. Temco points

  • Temco tokens are made from the RSK blockchain smart contract, they are highly utility tokens and run the tempo platform just like Gass, they are used as a means of exchanging product and data, they are used to execute and carry out transactions within the temple ecosystem, it is used also to pay for smart contract execution fees.
  • Temco Points are rewards given to individuals who participate and contribute to the Temco ecosystem.
    Both the vendors and consumers can gain the Temco points. vendors earn points from uploading products and supply chain data onto the blockchain.
    Customers will get rewarded for making contributions to the community like smart scan of QR code that bares products and supply chain info, the purchase, review and exposing fake/counterfeit goods.

Temco Primary Goals.

Temco believes in high transparency for the supply chain and therefore it’s primary goals are to

  • make the product visible
  • make the process visible
  • make the data visible
  • make the value visible
  • make the world visible

all in a very scalable and easy-to-use way, with these companies can opt into Temco and manage data effectively also the consumers will have increased confidence in the product quality and status.

Get to find out more via the following links⬇

WEBISTE ➡https://temco.io

WHITEPAPER ➡ https://docsend.com/view/eiawynp

MEDIUM ➡ https://medium.com/temcolabs

REDDIT ➡ https://www.reddit.com/r/temcolabs/

BITCOINTALK ➡ https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5027072.0


TWITTER ➡ https://twitter.com/TEMCOLABS

My bitcoin talk username and link{ Alongfatlemon ➡ https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2211752 }

My Ether address { 0x97d595aC06CAeDa09f16c3e5FE8a7B18176E975f }

