3 Rare Facts about Ants You Don’t Know — 1 Min. Read

Alon Max Pest Expert
2 min readOct 3, 2022


ant rare facts

Ants are interesting as they are seen in long queues and seldom alone going about their task without any distraction. Their being in colonies makes them a social species of insects who are always up with a job to complete. They are not very loved as their sting is painful, causes itchiness and can create welts.

The pest control expert have some interesting facts about ants that make them a species to research on, if not literally, then through reading various interesting rare facts available about them.

Let’s know some interesting facts about them that can make you feel you were so ignorant about the most commonly found insect on your premises- Ants.

3 Rare Facts About Ants You Definitely Should Know

Ants are an interesting species. The ant-related bizarre facts are even more exciting and can light up your day.

Some of them are:

1. Ants Life-

Yes. Inside the insect kingdom, ants are the longest-living creatures. Going by their size, one may think they may live for only a day. But no. Some live upto 30 years too. Isn’t it something you would have never thought of?

2. Can Ant’s Hear You ?

Ants are practically deaf. They can’t hear you coming, screaming at them. They feel through vibrations and communicate through chemical signals and antennas.

They send signals to spread threat and danger warnings among themselves.

3. Number of Ants on Earth

Ants have a variety of species. If you think you can distinguish them with their size, colour or area, then you’re wrong, as it would take years to know which species you are dealing with today.

There are over 12000 species of ants spread worldwide to help you understand how massive their varieties are. No matter how small, they have a wide variety to stand for them and make their name live for ages.

Ants are not very well invited and are notorious for being around as soon as they find something edible around them. Their sting is so painful that you sometimes need cold compresses to relieve pain.

So it is advisable to keep your premises clean and clear from the ants and if you find their colonies or nest, immediately call Ant Control Mount Lawley professionals for help.

Ants are very much around. So next time you find them, remember the rare facts about them and wonder how such a tiny creature has all this fantastic information hidden behind them.

