
Alfonzo Copeland
9 min readJun 22, 2024






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Gourmet Ice Cream タイプ別の市場分析は次のように分類されます。:

GelatoSorbetFrozen Custard

Gourmet Ice Cream adalah jenis es krim yang dibuat dengan bahan-bahan berkualitas tinggi dan teknik pembuatan khusus. Ada tiga jenis pasar utama: Gelato, Sorbet, dan Frozen Custard. Gelato adalah es krim Italia dengan konsistensi yang lebih padat dan rasa yang lebih intens. Sorbet adalah es serut buah yang dibuat tanpa menggunakan produk susu. Frozen Custard adalah es krim yang dibuat dengan tambahan telur penuh, memberikan tekstur yang lebih kaya dan lembut. Ketiga pasar ini menawarkan pengalaman menikmati es krim yang berbeda dan nikmat.

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Gourmet Ice Cream アプリケーション別の市場産業調査は次のように分類されます。:

Online RetailOffline Retail


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地域に関して言えば、Gourmet Ice Cream 地域ごとに利用可能なマーケットプレーヤーは次のとおりです。:

North America: United States Canada Europe: Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Asia-Pacific: China Japan South Korea India Australia China Taiwan Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Latin America: Mexico Brazil Argentina Korea Colombia Middle East & Africa: Turkey Saudi Arabia UAE Korea


世界の新たなトレンドとは Gourmet Ice Cream 市場?


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Gourmet Ice Cream Market players such as Amorino, Gelato Italia, Nestlé, R&R Ice Cream, Unilever, American Classic Icecream (ACI), Braum's, Morelli's Gelato, Papitto Gelato, and Vadilal Group are all key players in the global ice cream market.

Among these players, Nestlé and Unilever are two of the largest and most well-known companies in the industry. Nestlé, with its wide range of ice cream brands such as Häagen-Dazs and Dreyer's, has seen steady market growth over the years. Unilever, with popular brands like Magnum and Ben & Jerry's, has also seen significant market growth and expansion.

In terms of market size, the gourmet ice cream market is estimated to be worth billions of dollars globally, with a growing demand for premium and artisanal ice cream products.

A few of the above-listed companies such as Nestle and Unilever have reported sales revenue in the range of billions of dollars annually.

Recent trends in the gourmet ice cream market include the rise of unique and innovative flavors, the use of natural and organic ingredients, and the growing popularity of plant-based and dairy-free options. These trends are driven by consumer demand for healthier and more sustainable products.

Overall, the gourmet ice cream market is competitive and dynamic, with key players constantly innovating and expanding their product offerings to meet changing consumer preferences and market trends.







