Khiar Shoor — Persian Pickled Cucumber

3 min readFeb 14, 2023

Khiar Shoor is one of the most popular and delicious Iranian condiments, which has applications in various food industries. Pickled cucumbers are used in various traditional and fast food dishes and become one of the most popular seasonings in restaurants and fast food restaurants.

Ingredients for 1 medium jar

1 kg small cucumber

1 glass of white vinegar

3 hot peppers

Garlic 5 pcs

2 glasses of water

Tarragon 100 grams

Dill 100 grams

White alum the size of two sugar cubes

Coriander seeds ¼ teaspoon

Half a glass of salt

How to make pickles

first stage

To prepare delicious pickled cucumbers at home, first we separate the extra parts of the cucumbers (note that we should not damage the skin of the cucumbers), then we wash the tarragon and put it in a colander to drain the excess water.

second stage

After the excess water of cucumbers and vegetables is gone, we dry them with a clean towel to be sure. Note that the pickled cucumber ingredients must be completely dry like the pickles and must not contain moisture because they cause the pickled cucumbers to mold quickly.

third level

For this reason, be sure to dry cucumbers and vegetables carefully to have better pickled cucumbers. At this stage, we put a suitable pot on a very gentle heat and pour 2 glasses of water with salt and vinegar into it.

The fourth stage

At this stage, we let the water boil and the salt dissolves completely in the water, then we remove the pot from the heat until the mixture of water and vinegar cools. Now we peel the garlic and put it aside to dry after washing.

The fifth stage

At this stage, we choose a suitable glass container for pickled cucumbers, then we arrange the cucumbers in the container in order, and between the cucumbers, we use garlic, tarragon, dill, coriander seeds and hot red or green pepper.

The sixth stage

After pouring all the ingredients into the glass, we put a piece of white alum in the glass (white alum makes pickles crunchy), then we add the mixture of vinegar, water and salt to the glass until it is completely covered. Take the cucumbers.

The seventh stage

At this stage, we open a freezer plastic and place it on the lid of the jar, then close the lid of the jar so that no air enters the jar. We put the jar in a dry and cool place away from sunlight, after a week the pickled cucumber is ready to be consumed.

Tips on how to prepare pickled cucumbers

There is no difference in making pickled cucumbers in bottles or other containers, you just have to use small and thin cucumbers to make pickled cucumbers inside the bottle. Like other containers, pour the salted cucumber ingredients into the bottle and finally add the water and salt mixture to the bottle with a funnel.

One-day pickled cucumber

To prepare one-day pickled cucumbers, when the mixture of water and vinegar reaches the boiling point, we pour the cucumbers into the pot and wait for a few minutes until the mixture of salt water and vinegar is absorbed by the cucumbers, then the pickled cucumber is ready. Of course, we must be careful not to make the cucumbers too soft.

Prevent moldy pickles

In order to prevent the pickles from getting moldy, after we prepare the pickles, we fill a suitable pot halfway with water, then put it on the heat. Next, we put the pickled cucumber jars in the pot upside down.

Now let the jars of pickled cucumbers boil for 30 minutes until the air in the jars is completely drained. After this time, we take the glasses out of the water and dry them, then put them upside down on a clean napkin.

Jars that have leaks should be consumed sooner, because the pickles in these jars will mold due to air entering and leaving. But we can keep well-sealed glasses in the cabinet or refrigerator for a long time.




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